The Official State Gazette contains announcements corresponding to the last week of October of 9 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects for 583 MW, including 183.75 from Prodiel.
Application for modification of the prior administrative and construction authorisation for the Envatios XXV photovoltaic park of 183.75 MW, and its evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of Valdenuño Fernández, El Casar, Uceda and El Cubillo de Uceda (Guadalajara), promoted by Prodiel.
Request for Prior Administrative Authorization of the Motilla Hybrid FV photovoltaic plant project of 58.74 MW, for its hybridization with the Motilla wind farm of 51 MW, and its evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of Motilla del Palancar and Alarcón, in the province of Cuenca, promoted by Enel Green Power.
Resolution by which an environmental impact statement is formulated for four photovoltaic projects called Las Majas VII A, B, C and D of 10.89 MW respectively, for their hybridization with the existing wind farms Las Majas VII A, B, C and D of 49.40 MW each, and their evacuation infrastructures, in the province of Zaragoza, promoted by Repsol.
Application for recognition of public utility of the 59 MW Aldea San Miguel photovoltaic FV installation and its evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal districts of Aldea de San Miguel, La Pedraja de Portillo, Aldeamayor de San Martín and Boecillo, in the province of Valladolid, promoted by Watt Development.
Application for modification of the prior administrative authorisation and its declaration of public utility, of the project for the 26 MW Casares Solar III photovoltaic solar plant in the municipal district of Casares (Málaga), promoted by the company Sun Technology 2000, whose members include Alberto Cortina Koplowitz and the founder of Lawyers and Accountants, Juan Porras Pedraza.
Resolution formulating the environmental impact statement for the Filera I and V photovoltaic plants project of 49.9956 MWp, in the municipal terms of Almudévar and Tardienta (Huesca), promoted by Cubico Sustainable Investments.
Prior administrative authorisation for the Santico I and Santico II photovoltaic plants of 49.686 MW each, and their evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of Cabañas de Sayago and Pereruela, promoted by Técnicas y Mantenimientos Renovables.
Request for modification of the prior administrative authorisation and construction for the El Parral photovoltaic solar park of 17 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipal terms of Berninches, Alcalá de Henares, Meco, Camarma de Esteruelas and Daganzo de Arriba (Guadalajara and Madrid), promoted by Alfanar Energía.
Finally, there is also a resolution denying the administrative authorisation and ending the procedure for processing its application for the Santo Domingo LAN2 photovoltaic plant of 4,995 MW and evacuation infrastructure in Grañón and Santo Domingo de La Calzada (La Rioja), promoted by the Lantania Group.