The construction of large wind power plants in the canton of Lucerne should not be delayed by lengthy approval procedures. Voters have spoken out in favor of curtailing municipal autonomy and a cantonal planning approval procedure.
The amendment to the Planning and Building Act was approved with 68.51% of votes in favor (84,043 to 38,631 votes). The turnout was 44.51 percent. The vote was held because the SVP had launched a referendum against the bill.
The cantonal planning approval procedure applies to large plants with an annual production of over 10 gigawatt hours. A cantonal authority will therefore now issue the final approval for such wind power plants. Municipal approval and a decision by the municipal assembly are no longer necessary.
The Feldmoos wind power plant in Lucerne’s Entlebuch region has been producing electricity for 20 years.
Thanks to the cantonal procedure, which already exists in road and hydraulic engineering, large wind power plants can be planned and realized more quickly. As part of its energy strategy, the canton has set itself the goal of making better use of the potential of wind energy. The aim is to produce 250 gigawatt hours of electricity from wind turbines by 2050.
The SVP was the only party to oppose the change. It argued that the cantonalization of the approval process would undermine municipal autonomy and curtail direct democracy.