The Official State Gazette for the first week of December contains announcements for 7 photovoltaic and hybrid projects for 482.5 MW, including 164 MWp from Statkraft.
Application for a declaration of public utility for the Cañuelo II photovoltaic plant project, of 23 MW, in the municipality of Los Barrios (Cádiz), promoted by Capital Dynamics.
Request for Prior Administrative Authorization and Administrative Authorization for Construction of the hybridization projects for the Solaben PV1 and Solaben PV6 photovoltaic plants, both with a power of 4.99 MW, for their hybridization with the existing solar thermal plants Solaben 1 and Solaben 6 in the municipality of Logrosán (Cáceres), promoted by Abengoa, now part of Cox.
Prior administrative authorization for the Callejas Hybrid Installation photovoltaic plant, with a capacity of 49.5 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, for its hybridization with the existing wind farm, PE Callejas, with a capacity of 49.5 MW, in the municipality of Campillo de Altobuey (Cuenca), promoted by Iberdrola.
Prior administrative authorisation for the Maza Hybrid photovoltaic plant, with a capacity of 49.5 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, for its hybridisation with the existing wind farm, PE Maza, with a capacity of 49.5 MW, in the municipality of Campillo de Altobuey (Cuenca), promoted by Iberdrola.
Prior administrative authorisation for the Radona II photovoltaic generation module, with a capacity of 31.5 MW, and its infrastructure for the evacuation of electrical energy, for its hybridisation with the existing Radona II wind farm, with a capacity of 32 MW, in the municipalities of Taroda and Alcubilla de las Peñas (Soria), promoted by Iberdrola.
Resolution formulating a report determining the environmental impact of the Humeón Hybrid Park project, consisting of a 32.97 MW wind farm and a 17.04 MW photovoltaic park, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Burgos, promoted by Incosa.
Request for prior administrative authorization, and environmental impact statement, for the Ahigal – Cerezo 164 MWp / 137 MW photovoltaic project, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipalities of Ahigal, Cerezo, Santa Cruz de Paniagua and Pozuelo de Zarzón in the province of Cáceres, promoted by Statkraft.
Rejected projects
Simetría Fidentia’s application for prior administrative authorisation for the 84.17 MW photovoltaic installation called Fotovoltaica Navas Renovables I and its evacuation infrastructure in the provinces of Ávila and Madrid, promoted by, is rejected.
Green Capital Power’s application for prior administrative authorisation for the 223.62 MW Atenea photovoltaic solar park and its evacuation infrastructure in the province of León is rejected.
Dos Grados Capital’s application, belonging to ICG, for prior administrative authorisation for the 91 MW La Vega photovoltaic solar park and its evacuation infrastructure in the Community of Madrid is rejected.
Grenergy Renovables’ application for prior administrative authorisation for the 99.85 MW GR Avutarda photovoltaic park and its evacuation infrastructure in the province of Guadalajara is rejected.
Grenergy Renovables’ application for prior administrative authorisation for the 99.85 MW GR Sisón photovoltaic park and its evacuation infrastructure in the province of Guadalajara and the Community of Madrid is rejected.
Verbund’s application for prior administrative authorisation for the 94 MW Peñalara Solar photovoltaic park and its evacuation infrastructure in the province of Toledo is rejected.
Statkraft’s application for prior administrative authorisation for the 134.68 MW Prado Gris photovoltaic solar park and its evacuation infrastructure in the province of Toledo is rejected.