During the month of December, renewables generated 47.6%, with wind energy being the leading technology in the mix in Spain

Demand for electricity in Spain increased by 1.5% in December. During this month of December, renewables generated 47.6%, with wind power being the leading technology in the national mix. In 2024, renewables will reach a share of 55.8% of the total Spanish mix, as Red Eléctrica anticipated in its year-end estimates, with photovoltaics reaching 16.7% and wind power 22.9%.

National electricity demand in December increased by 1.5% compared to the same month of the previous year, once the effects of temperature and working hours have been discounted. In gross terms, a demand of 21,473 GWh is estimated, 1.4% more than in December 2023.

In the cumulative year of 2024, Spain has registered a cumulative demand of 247,038 GWh, 0.8% more than in the same period of 2023. Once the effects of working hours and temperatures have been taken into account, demand grows by 1.4% compared to the previous year.

This December, renewables generated 10,798 GWh and reached a share of 47.6% of the total, while 67.1% of the electrical energy was produced without emitting equivalent CO2.

The first source of production for the month was once again wind power, with a share of 23.1%, followed by combined cycle (22.6%), nuclear (18.7%) and hydroelectric power, which accounted for 11.2% of the total. For its part, solar photovoltaic energy grew by 30.6% in December and recorded a share of 10.8% in the mix.

For the whole of 2024, renewables reached a share of 55.8% of the total Spanish mix, a figure in line with the year-end estimates published by Red Eléctrica.

Peninsular demand in December

At the peninsular level and once the effects of working hours and temperature have been taken into account, demand was 1.3% higher than in December 2023. In gross terms, demand for this month was 20,225 GWh, 1.2% higher than for the same month of the previous year.

In the accumulated total for this year, peninsular demand has been 231,808 GWh, 0.8% higher than that recorded in 2023. Once the effects of working hours and temperatures have been taken into account, peninsular demand has grown by 1.4% compared to the previous year.

The set of peninsular renewables generated 10,631 GWh this December, achieving a share of 49.5% of the total peninsular production structure. For its part, emission-free technologies contributed 70% of the total.

The peninsular generation structure in December is also led by wind power, which has been responsible for 23.9% of the total, followed by the combined cycle with 20.7%, nuclear with 19.7% and hydraulic power, responsible for 11.8% of the total.

The electricity system in the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands

In the Balearic Islands, electricity demand in December was 5.3% higher than in the same month in 2023, once the effects of working hours and temperatures have been taken into account. Thus, gross demand is estimated at 454,421 MWh, 8.5% higher than in December of the previous year. In the cumulative 2024, gross demand in the Balearic Islands is estimated at 6,027,107 MWh, 0.4% more than in 2023. Once the effects of working hours and temperatures have been taken into account, demand in 2024 in the Balearic Islands is 1.6% higher than in the previous year.

As for generation, the combined cycle, with 77.9% of the energy produced in the Balearic Islands, was the main source of energy for the islands this month. For its part, renewable energy generated in the Balearic community represented 10.3% of the total. Balearic renewable production grew by 19.8% in December compared to the same month of the previous year.

In addition, during this month of December, the submarine link between the Peninsula and Mallorca contributed to covering 17.2% of the Balearic electricity demand.

For its part, in the Canary archipelago, the demand for electrical energy increased by 3.1% compared to the same month in 2023, taking into account the effects of work and temperatures. In gross terms, the demand was 760,267 MWh, 3.6% more. In 2024 as a whole, the Canarian demand is estimated at 8,811,286 MWh, 0.6% more than in the same period of 2023. Once the effects of working hours and temperatures have been applied, the Canarian demand in 2024 increased by 1% compared to the previous year.

Wind Turbine sin sunset, china.

Regarding electricity generation in the Canary Islands, the combined cycle, with 51.8% of the total, was also the main source in December. Renewables reached a share of 16.8% of production by generating 128,068 MWh, 33% more than in the same month of the previous year. For its part, the wind energy contribution during this month has been 13.2% of the total.