The total number of installations amounts to nearly 4 GW of installed capacity, almost 50% of the capacity registered in all of Spain. The capacity of the active installations in the e-distribution network is sufficient to supply the consumption of two million homes and avoid the emission of 3.2 million tons of CO2. Supplies corresponding to collective installations are multiplied by 3.5 in one year and reach 17,000
Self-consumption supplies connected to the Endesa distribution network increased by 34% in 2024 to reach 333,500 at the end of the year, leading the companies in the sector in Spain. During the past year, Endesa’s network subsidiary, e-distribución, connected 85,300 new self-consumption supplies, an average of more than 1,600 each week, figures that have been boosted by the consolidation of various measures to facilitate the processing of these installations and improve information for customers.
The largest increase corresponded to collective self-consumption supplies, which soared by 249% to 17,000, which means adding more than 12,000 new contracts activated compared to the end of 2023. Meanwhile, the number of active individual self-consumption contracts in the Endesa distribution network increased last year by 73,200, reaching 316,500, with a growth of 30% compared to the end of 2023.
e-distribución, which manages the electricity distribution network in Andalusia, Catalonia, Aragon, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands and part of Extremadura, has recorded growth in the activation of self-consumption in all areas. Andalusia is the autonomous community with the highest volume of supplies with self-consumption, more than 153,700 at the end of 2024, 46% of all active supplies in the e-distribution networks and 22% more than at the end of 2023.
Catalonia records the highest number of collective self-consumption, more than 9,400, which represents 55% of all those connected to the Endesa network and a growth of 79% in the year. However, the largest percentage increase in supplies linked to collective facilities corresponds to Extremadura, where the number of active supplies has gone from 11 to 517, an increase of 6,400%.
Aragon and the Balearic Islands have added 4,000 and 6,000 new supplies to the network in 2024, which represents a year-on-year growth of 38% in both cases, while in the Canary Islands the increase has been 41%.
At the end of 2024, the power of the more than 309,000 self-consumption installations connected to the e-distribution network was close to 4,000 MW (4 GW), with an increase of 13.5% in the year. This power, which represents almost half of the power connected in all of Spain, prevents the emission of 3.2 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and is sufficient to cover the consumption of more than two million homes.
Self-consumption solar panels
Help with the process and more information
The improvements introduced in the processing of self-consumption, both in the validation processes and in the information to customers, have made it possible to speed up the activation of these installations.
The e-distribution website has expanded and reinforced the information and services linked to the processing of these installations. From it, you can access information on the different types of self-consumption, the procedures to activate it and frequently asked questions and answers that can serve as a guide to the consumer. In the private area, the customer can track in real time the procedures associated with their self-consumption request and know where their request is at all times.
In addition, improvements have been introduced to the web forms to make it easier for citizens to know what documentation they must attach. Notifications are sent reminding them of what they have to do and what the next steps in the process are, in addition to the telephone number (900 920 974) to deal exclusively with queries about self-consumption.
Another of the measures implemented on the e-distribution website is the introduction of a TXT file validator. This tool is intended to make it as easy as possible to fill in the documents defined by the regulator to process collective self-consumption. The system shows the format errors detected in the file so that the client can correct them and present a correct document, thus avoiding errors in the contract and having to start the process again, a measure that has been very useful to speed up the entire processing of collective self-consumption.
Endesa is a leading electricity company in Spain and the second in Portugal. It is also the second largest gas operator in the Spanish market. It develops an integrated business of electricity generation, distribution and marketing. It also offers electric mobility services, where it is the leading operator of integrated energy solutions and charging points in Spain, and other services.