Pampa Energía announced a new wind farm in Bahía Blanca

This project, which represents an investment of 500 million dollars, will have an installed capacity of 300 MW, making it one of the most significant wind energy developments in the region.

The announcement was made during the visit of the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, to the works of the Pampa Energía IV Wind Farm, located in Coronel Rosales, near Bahía Blanca. In this place, the company is in the process of installing 18 wind turbines, with an additional investment of more than 128 million dollars. This park under development will have an installed capacity of 81 MW, which is equivalent to the electricity consumption of approximately 100 thousand homes.

This new wind farm joins a series of recent initiatives by Pampa Energía in the energy sector. Just a few days earlier, the company, together with YPF, inaugurated the expansion of the Ensenada Barragán thermal power plant, a project in which 250 million dollars were invested. This expansion reflects Pampa Energía’s commitment to diversify and strengthen its electricity generation capacity in the country.

Marcelo Mindlin, president of Pampa Energía, highlighted the importance of these projects in the context of Law 27,191, passed in 2015, which establishes that by 2025, 20% of Argentina’s energy matrix must come from renewable sources. According to Mindlin, the company has already invested nearly 600 million dollars in renewable energy projects, in an effort to contribute to the fulfillment of this national objective.

With the construction of this new wind farm in Bahía Blanca, Pampa Energía will reach a total renewable energy generation capacity of 687 MW, consolidating itself as one of the leaders in the clean energy sector in Argentina. This progress is essential not only to comply with current legislation, but also to position the country as a benchmark in the transition towards more sustainable energy sources.

The development of this wind farm will also have a positive impact on the local economy, generating employment and promoting the development of infrastructure in the Bahía Blanca region and its surroundings. In addition, it will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with Argentina’s international commitments on climate change.

Pampa Energía’s investment in this new wind farm is a significant step towards the diversification of the country’s energy matrix, promoting the use of renewable sources and reaffirming the company’s commitment to a more sustainable energy future for Argentina.

In addition to the environmental benefits, the project is also part of a long-term strategy that seeks to improve Pampa Energía’s competitiveness in an energy market increasingly oriented towards clean energy. The company not only seeks to comply with current regulations, but also aspires to lead the energy transition in Argentina, adapting to the new demands of the global and regional market. The additional capacity that this wind farm will provide will allow Pampa Energía to offer more sustainable energy solutions to its customers, strengthening its position as a key player in the sector.

Finally, this type of investment in energy infrastructure not only strengthens the country’s energy matrix, but also sends a positive signal to the market about the stability and growth potential of the renewable energy sector in Argentina. The continuity of projects such as this is essential to attract new investments and foster an enabling environment for the development of more clean energy initiatives, guaranteeing a safer, more efficient and greener energy supply for future generations.