Photovoltaic: Quarterly index of subsidies and aid for renewables in Spain by SotySolar

The lack of information, the volatility of energy prices and the end of subsidies are the biggest obstacles to opting for green energy at home. According to InformeSolar, three out of four homeowners are unaware of the existence of aid and benefits for installation. 100% compatible with aid and subsidies, SotySolar offers flexible financing plans for the installation, helping to mitigate the initial investment.
Financial aid, subsidies and other tax incentives are essential for those who are considering switching to some type of renewable energy at home. Currently there are aids and benefits derived from the installation of photovoltaic solar panels, such as tax relief of up to 60% on the installation’s personal income tax, reductions in the payment of IBI of up to 50%, subsidies in some autonomous communities, etc.

Therefore, with the aim of helping consumers, SotySolar compiles on a quarterly national map all the subsidies and aids active at a national level, both for photovoltaics and for aerothermal energy and electric vehicle chargers.

According to data from the “Solar Report. Radiography of Self-consumption in Spain 2024” * by SotySolar, three out of four owners are unaware of the existence of aids and benefits for installation. The lack of information, the volatility of the price of energy and the end of aid are the biggest obstacles.

Flexible financing for all budgets

In addition to the existing subsidies and the Income Tax deductions applicable today that provide great financial help, to help consumers mitigate this large investment, SotySolar offers its flexible financing plan through a new Solar Subscription model. The financing plans offered without intermediaries go up to 20 years and consist of a fixed monthly fee from €33. This financing model is compatible with grants and subsidies. Also, so that the budget is completely tailored and real, the visit is carried out directly by a technician and not a salesperson and the installation is ready in 20 days from the granting of the license.

Flexible financing for all budgets

In addition to the existing subsidies and the Income Tax deductions applicable today that provide great financial help, to help consumers, SotySolar offers its flexible financing plan through a new Solar Subscription model, a financing model 100% compatible with grants and subsidies.

The financing plans offered without intermediaries reach up to 20 years and consist of a fixed monthly fee from €33. Also, so that the budget is completely tailored and real, the visit is carried out directly by a specialized technician and not a salesperson and the installation is ready in 20 days from the granting of the license.

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*The study was prepared by The Cocktail Analysis for SotySolar, with the support of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) and Aiko Energy.