Mingyang installs the world’s largest wind turbine with 20 MW

The level of activity and innovations that Mingyang has been presenting lately is frenetic. It has been named the preferred supplier for a European offshore wind farm, has reached a preliminary agreement for a nacelle factory in Italy, has launched the OceanX floating dual-rotor prototype, and has entered new markets

One of its latest feats has been the completion of the assembly of its MySE 18.X-20 MW prototype, which, according to the company (and if my memory serves me correctly), has become the most powerful wind turbine in the world. As early as December 2023, Mingyang had manufactured a nacelle for this same model.

According to Mingyang itself on its LinkedIn account, this model can have a rotor diameter between 260 and 292 meters, and according to Windpowermonthly, this unit is equipped with the 292-meter rotor.

Mingyang says that this wind turbine is not specifically designed for the Chinese market but is also suitable for locations in Europe and other international markets.

A video of the assembly has also circulated on LinkedIn, which I’ll share here:

But let’s not forget that in October 2023, Mingyang already announced a 22 MW model with a 310-meter rotor, which theoretically it should be working on.

The truth is that, as I said at the beginning, it’s surprising the number of innovations Mingyang is presenting, considering that many of them involve hundreds of millions of euros in investment (developing and installing prototypes, announcing factories…). Someone on X/Twitter wondered how such a level of investment is possible considering the modest nature of its financial results (or at least, what is made public).

On another note, something that is becoming increasingly clear is that the communication strategy of Chinese OEMs has been changing radically in recent times, with most of them (especially the most active outside their borders) generating much more content on social media, sponsoring events… in short, making themselves visible and trying to make a name for themselves.

This very year, other Chinese manufacturers like Dongfang Electric and CSSC Haizhuang have also installed 18 MW offshore prototypes. Also, Siemens Gamesa is said to be close to installing a 21 MW prototype.

Sergio Fdez Munguía
