Nordex to supply 41 wind turbines for wind power in Poland

The planned expansion of the wind farm with a further 12 wind turbines will bring the project to a total of 190.8 MW

Nordex has received an order for the supply and installation of wind turbines for the Miejska Górka wind farm in Poland. The Group will supply 41 N117/3600 wind turbines with a total of 147.6 MW from the end of 2025 for one of the largest wind farms in the country. The order also includes a premium service contract for the turbines for a period of 30 years.

The Miejska Górka wind farm will be built in the Wielkopolska Voivodeship. The Nordex Group will supply the N117/3600 turbines on tubular steel towers with a hub height of 134 metres; The wind farm is scheduled to be operational in early 2027.

The Miejska Górka project has been developed by international project developer and operator VSB, based in Dresden, Germany. VSB, majority owned by Partners Group, has sold the wind project to Tauron Zielona Energia S.A., Poland’s second largest energy company. VSB is responsible for the infrastructure works, which will start in 2025, as well as the expansion of the wind farm with 12 additional wind turbines, bringing the total number of 41 to 53 and the total project capacity to 190.8 MW.

“Nordex Group is once again taking important steps to increase its market share in Poland with the initial installation of 41 wind turbines, followed by a planned further expansion of another 12 N117/3600 turbines for one of the largest wind farms in the region to date. “This order demonstrates the suitability of our N117 for the Polish market and we thank VSB for giving us the opportunity to work together again on this landmark project,” says Patxi Landa, Chief Strategy Officer of the Nordex Group.

VSB, based in Dresden, is one of Europe’s leading vertically integrated developers in the field of renewable energy. Its core business is the development of onshore wind, photovoltaic and battery projects, their operational management and the operation of its parks as a growing independent power producer. VSB is present in six European countries and has a portfolio of more than 16 GW. Since 1996, VSB has installed more than 750 wind and photovoltaic power plants with more than 1.7 GW of installed capacity. VSB also provides service operations for a portfolio of more than 2 GW. Together with its affiliated companies, the Group employs more than 500 people.

Nordex has installed more than 52 GW of wind power capacity in over 40 markets throughout its corporate history and generated consolidated sales of around €6.5 billion in 2023. The company currently has more than 10,200 employees and the Group’s manufacturing network includes factories in Germany, Spain, Brazil, India, the US and Mexico. Nordex’s product portfolio currently focuses on 4 to 6 MW+ onshore turbines that are designed to meet the market requirements of countries with limited space availability and regions with limited grid capacity.