The XI Solar Forum highlights self-consumption and storage as pillars of a sustainable future for photovoltaics in Spain

The XI Solar Forum, organized by the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (Unef), brought together more than 1,200 representatives of the photovoltaic sector in Madrid on October 9 and 10. During the sessions, crucial issues for the future of solar energy in Spain were discussed, such as self-consumption, storage and electrification. The conclusions of the forum highlight the need for support policies and agile regulation that allow the country to make the most of its renewable potential and reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons.

Promoting self-consumption and energy communities

During the first day, highly relevant topics were addressed, including self-consumption and the need to develop energy communities. Benjumea pointed out that, despite the progress, self-consumption has experienced a worrying slowdown in its growth, which could compromise the objectives of the PNIEC. To reverse this trend, he proposed promoting measures such as simplifying administrative procedures and implementing tax incentives to make this modality more accessible. According to Benjumea, self-consumption is not only key to sustainability, but also to reducing energy dependence and increasing the competitiveness of Spanish companies.

Aagesen took the opportunity to announce the start of a public consultation that will allow the Self-Consumption Royal Decree to be revised. This measure seeks to gather the opinions of the different agents in the sector, in order to adapt the regulations to current needs and promote the development of self-consumption throughout Spain. In addition, the role of energy communities was discussed, which, according to Benjumea, can serve as a platform to integrate citizens into the energy transition, promoting the generation and shared consumption of renewable energy.

We must integrate photovoltaic energy into our industrial fabric, supporting Spanish companies that have demonstrated their high degree of competitiveness and also attract new industry to Spain, taking advantage of the competitiveness of photovoltaic energy,” said Rafael Benjumea, president of Unef, during his speech.

For her part, Beatriz Corredor, president of Redeia, highlighted the capacity of the Spanish electricity grid to integrate the growing production of renewable energies. With an integration percentage of 98%, the Spanish grid has proven to be an example at European level. However, Corredor warned that the grid must continue to modernize to absorb the increase in renewable generation expected with the PNIEC goals, a challenge that will require investments of more than 10 billion euros in the coming years. For her, this update is essential for Spain to continue positioning itself as a leader in the generation of clean energy.
Storage and electrification to ensure the energy future

The second day focused on the importance of storage and electrification. José Donoso, director general of Unef, opened the day by highlighting that storage is already an unavoidable necessity for solar energy in Spain. In his speech, he explained that storage allows solar energy to extend beyond the hours of radiation, ensuring a constant supply and reducing dependence on fossil energy sources. According to Donoso, this technology is crucial to achieving greater efficiency and stability in the electrical system and, therefore, he requested that storage systems be included in the next energy auctions.

Another of the central themes of the closing was electrification, especially its role in the substitution of fossil fuels. The director general of Unef pointed out that Spain spends around 60,000 million euros annually on the import of hydrocarbons and that moving towards a totally decarbonised economy would allow us to save this amount and allocate it to the development of internal resources. In his words, “the year we manage to achieve total decarbonisation, it will be as if we had achieved a Next Generation every year for our economy with our internal resources.”

In addition, regulatory challenges and the need for greater agility in connection permits and administrative procedures were highlighted. Donoso warned that, despite the progress, the lack of speed in bureaucracy could slow down the interest of industries in investing in renewable energy projects in Spain. In this regard, he proposed the creation of demand tenders that accelerate the development of electrification and storage infrastructures and that allow companies to access clean energy more quickly and efficiently.

“Storage is essential for solar energy to continue growing and be a tool for economic development,” said José Donoso, general director of Unef.
Towards a future of innovation and sustainability

The forum also devoted time to addressing the importance of innovation in the self-consumption sector and the development of energy communities. Donoso insisted that, to remain competitive, the sector must continue to advance in the creation of smart cities and islands, where solar energy and energy communities play a fundamental role. These concepts, he explained, will allow for greater energy self-sufficiency and will help reduce energy costs at a local level. At the end of the event, Donoso concluded that innovation and collaboration between the different agents in the sector are essential to achieve the sustainability and efficiency goals that the country needs.

Ultimately, the XI Unef Solar Forum was a space to address both the technical challenges of the photovoltaic sector and the need for a regulatory and economic framework that allows Spain to establish itself as a leader in renewable energies. Despite the progress in the decarbonization of the electricity sector – with an increase from 19% to 62% in the share of renewables in the energy mix in the last five years – the experts highlighted the importance of adopting policies that promote self-consumption and accelerate the implementation of storage technologies. This approach would not only boost economic growth, but would also reduce dependence on renewable energy.