Arise Windpower AB: Partnership Agreement ? Construction of the Jädraås Wind Farm, 200 MW

Arise Windpower AB has concluded a partnership agreement with Bergvik Skog AB and Ownpower Projects AB (the Sellers). The agreement gives the company the right to acquire the Sellers’ joint wind energy project company, Jädraås Vindkraft AB, and thereby the right to build a major wind farm. The planned wind turbines will have a combined output of about 200 MW.

Arise Windpower has also concluded an agreement in principle with Vestas for delivery of wind turbines for the wind farm.

The next phases are supplementary wind analyses, assessment of the application for a concession to connect the wind turbines to the grid and detailed development planning, which are expected to be completed in spring/summer 2011. Construction work is expected to commence no earlier than July of the same year and the turbines are expected to raised and put into operation in 2012.

The wind power project has been developed in collaboration with landowners and other local stakeholders and will have a positive impact on local employment.

Arise Windpower is one of Sweden’s leading companies in onshore wind energy. Arise Windpower’s business concept is to sell electricity generated at the company’s own onshore wind turbines in southern Sweden. The company is aiming to install and put into operation about 300 wind turbines with an annual output of about 2 TWh of green electricity by 2014. Arise Windpower is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.