9 photovoltaic and hybrid projects announced for 192.8 MW in the third week of October in Spain

The Official State Gazette contains announcements corresponding to the third week of October of 9 projects with photovoltaics and hybridization, 104.3 MW belonging to RIC Energy.
Declaration of public utility of the photovoltaic solar plant project called PS Carbeso Solar of 44.43 MW on land on non-urbanizable land, in the municipality of Pujalt and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipality of Pujalt, in the Anoia region, promoted by Ignis.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation as well as declaration of public utility for the implementation of the Loma de los Pinos Solar Photovoltaic Plant Phase I of 10.7 MW, and its hybridisation associated with the Loma de los Pinos Wind Farm, together with the medium voltage underground line and extension set Loma de los Pinos, in the municipality of Lebrija (Seville), promoted by Verbund.

Request for prior administrative authorisation of the modifications made to the evacuation infrastructure of the Luciérnaga 104.3 MW photovoltaic solar plant project, in the municipalities of Arcicóllar, Camarena, Cedillo del Condado, El Viso de San Juan, Lominchar, Palomeque, Recas and Carranque, in the province of Toledo, promoted by RIC Energy.

Application for a declaration of public utility specifically for the project to execute the Puerto Cruz I 17 MW Photovoltaic Solar Plant, in the municipality of Puerto Real (Cádiz), promoted by Prosolia.

Application for administrative authorisation, environmental assessment and declaration of public utility for the projects corresponding to the photovoltaic solar installations «FV PTESGC-1, FV PTESGC-2, FV PTESGC-4, FV PTESGC-4II and FV PTESGC-5, for a total of 15.87 MW, and their evacuation infrastructures», in the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, on the island of Gran Canaria, promoted by the Gran Canaria Solar Energy Technology Park.

Notice: the announcements published in the BOE that are included here mention the initial promoters of the projects. It is possible that these have been sold or transferred later.