Spain approves 9 photovoltaic (PV) and hybrid projects for 764 MW, including 240 MW of storage in the fourth week of November

Declaration of public utility (BOE) of the Ququima photovoltaic plant with 231.68 MW of installed capacity, its evacuation infrastructure and the Ququima 30/220 kV electrical transformer substation (SET), located in the municipalities of Baza and Caniles (Granada), promoted by Aquila Clean Energy.

Prior administrative authorisation (BOE) for the Peñaflor III and Peñaflor IV photovoltaic installations, of 48.118 MW each, and their evacuation infrastructure, for their hybridisation with the existing wind farms Peñaflor III and Peñaflor IV, of 48.99 MW each, in the municipalities of San Cebrián de Mazote, Castromonte, Barruelo del Valle, Torrelobatón and Peñaflor de Hornija (Valladolid), promoted by Iberdrola.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation and declaration of public utility (BOE) of the project for the photovoltaic solar plant for self-consumption energy generation with surpluses called PSFV Vilalba dels Arcs with a capacity of 2.5 MW installed on land on non-urbanisable land, and its evacuation infrastructure, 25 kV underground lines, in the municipalities of Vilalba dels Arcs and Batea, in the region of Terra Alta (Tarragona), promoted by Electra Caldense Holding.

Application for declaration of public utility (BOE) of the photovoltaic solar plant called Planta Solar Fotovoltaica La Ribera I with a capacity of 15 MW on land on non-urbanisable land and its evacuation infrastructure, 25 kV underground lines, in the municipality of Garcia, in the region of Ribera d’Ebre (Tarragona), promoted by BluePROM.

Application for administrative authorisation and declaration of public utility (BOE) for the project corresponding to the Llanos de los Bebederos I 5.25 MW photovoltaic solar installation, in the municipality of Arona, on the island of Tenerife, promoted by the Disa Group.

Application for prior administrative and construction authorisation and declaration of public utility (BOE) for the project to execute the Campanario II Hybrid Wind Farm of 10 MW, for its hybridisation with the photovoltaic solar park called FV Campanario II of 48.12 MW, and for part of its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Albacete, promoted by Elawan.

Application for prior administrative authorisation and environmental impact statement published in the Official Gazette (BOP) for the 164 MW / 137 MWinst Ahigal – Cerezo Photovoltaic Project and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipalities of Ahigal, Cerezo, Santa Cruz de Paniagua and Pozuelo de Zarzón in the province of Cáceres, promoted by Statkraft.

Application for a project of strategic industrial interest, prior administrative authorisation and ordinary environmental impact statement (BOE) for the Bess Es Rafal Can Valero 1 and 2 Storage projects, each with 40 MW. Battery Storage Systems (BESS), Stand-Alone, Medium Voltage Infrastructure and Evacuation Line for the Es Rafal Can Valero Bess Group (Palma), promoted by Energy Factory.

Application for a project of strategic industrial interest, prior administrative authorisation and ordinary environmental impact statement (BOE) for the Son Molines Group BESS 1, 2, 3 and 4 project of 40 MW each, located in the Son Morro industrial estate (Palma), promoted by Energy Factory.

In addition, the application for prior administrative authorisation (BOE) for the 72.95 MW Araña hybrid installation and its evacuation infrastructure in the provinces of Burgos and Palencia, promoted by Incosa, is rejected.

Denial of prior administrative and construction authorisation published in the BOJA for the 49.97 MWp Turia photovoltaic plant project and its 30 kV evacuation line, promoted by Energy Venalta, due to the works on the generation installation being declared incompatible with the works on the exploitation of the mining concessions, in the municipal terms of Lucainena de las Torres and Tabernas (Almería).