Renewable energy in Togo

In 2008, Togo generated 0.16 billion kilowatthours of electricity from an installed capacity base of 85 megawatts. The top 2 energy sources overall were Hydroelectricity (78.82% of total capacity) and Conventional Thermal (21.18%).

In 2008, Togo produced 0 quadrillion BTUs (QBTUs) of primary energy, a decrease of 0 QBTUs over the prior year and a compound growth rate of 2.1% over a 5 year period.

Primary energy consumption meanwhile increased by 8.11% over the prior year to 0.04 QBTUs, equating to 7.03 million BTUs per capita which places Togo into the 83rd percentile of countries worldwide for per capita primary energy consumption.

Togo’s total electricity capacity has decreased on an annual compound basis by -0.66% over the last 20 years to 85 megawatts (MW) in 2008. In the last year, the total installed capacity base neither increased nor decreased.

Total renewable energy capacity accounts for 78.82% of this total installed capacity base whilst renewable energy sources excluding hydropower account for 0%.

Total capacity did not increase in the last year .

Total electricity generation meanwhile fell -16.76% over the last year to 0.16 billion kilowatthours (bn kWh) in 2008 with the largest source for electricity generation being Hydroelectricity (57.36% of total net generation).

Conventional sources including conventional thermal (coal, petroleum, gas), nuclear power and hydro pumped storage accounted for 41.43% of total electricity generated, down from 54.73% 5 years previously.

Conventional Energy sources represented 21.18% of total installed capacity in Togo in 2008, an increase of 0 percentage points over a 5 year period.

Conventional thermal energy had an installed capacity base of 18 MW in 2008, a change of 0 MW over the previous year and a 0% change on a compound basis over a 5 year period. Conventional thermal energy has seen its share of total installed capacity increase from 21.18% in 2004 to 21.18% in 2008. Conventional Thermal Energy generated 0.07 billion kilowatthours of electricity in 2008, equating to 3.61 billion kilowatthours of electricity per million kilowatts of capacity.

Renewable Energy sources represented 78.82% of total installed capacity in Togo in 2008, an increase of 0 percentage points over a 5 year period.

This renewable energy capacity generated 0.09 billion kilowatthours of electricity (58.57% of the total), primarily from Hydroelectricity (97.93% of the 0.09 bn kWh generated) and Biomass and Waste (2.07%).

Hydroelectricity had an installed capacity base of 67 MW in 2008, a change of 0 MW over the previous year. It’s share of total installed capacity remained unchanged at 78.82% in 2008 and it’s share of renewable installed capacity remained unchanged at 100% in 2008.

Hydroelectricity generated 0.09 billion kilowatthours of electricity in 2008, equating to 57.36% of the total electricity generated. This is equivalent to 1.34 billion kilowatthours of electricity per million kilowatts of capacity, which was the highest ratio amongst renewable energy sources.

Togo has 0.3% of the total regional capacity for Hydroelectricity and ranks at #118 in the world for Hydroelectricity installed capacity.

In 2008, Togo had a Carbon Intensity (@ Purchasing Power Parity) of 0.48 CO2 MT/$ 000, which represented a 7.6% decrease over the prior year and a 3.07% decrease on a 5 year compound basis.

Energy intensity meanwhile reached 6859.18 BTUs per US Dollar of GDP (@ Purchasing Power Parity), a 7.17% increase on the prior year and a compound annual 2.08% growth on a 5 year basis. On a global basis, Togo ranked at #53 for Carbon Intensity and at #71 for Energy Intensity.