Wind energy in Mexico: wind farm will supply California

California’s government authorized the first contract for the purchase of energy from wind turbines in Mexico for about $ 820 million in 20-year contract.

The Public Utilities Commission of California (CPUC) authorized reported that two of the three generators and power distribution in the state to purchase wind power from Baja California.

The CPUC authorized San Diego Gas and Electric (SDGE), a subsidiary of Sempra Energy, and Edison, to purchase 156 megawatts of wind power installation in the Sierra de Juarez in northern Baja California.

The contract approved establishing a cost of $ 106 per megawatt hour. The flow will enable the two companies in Southern California to distribute a quantity of energy that Americans consume about 150,000 homes daily.

Besides, the commission authorized the same two companies to acquire wind power generated by the Center Tehachapi wind farms in the semi-desert region of Tehachapi.

A California state law requires that by 2020 consume a third of electricity generated from renewable energy, including wind turbines, solar power and geothermal energy.

By José Santamarta,