ACCIONA and a group of European business leaders explained to the European Commission its position and its commitment to economic growth based on a low-carbon economy. The Spanish company was represented by ACCIONA Energy president Carmen Becerril who was accompanied by representatives of other companies that make up The Prince of Wales’s EU Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change (EU CLG) and initiatives such as the Cambridge Natural Capital Leaders Platform and The Atlas Project.
The representatives of the international business community held a working session with CE president José Manuel Durao Barroso, Climate Change commissioner Connie Hedegaard, the Environment commissioner, Janez Potoènik and a number of high-ranking EU civil servants specializing in climate, energy and natural resource conservation matters. The meeting centered on how the EU can pull out of the recession by applying eco-efficient innovation and developing a low-carbon economy.
The business leaders’ message was that green, low-carbon growth and efficient use of resources are the most potent drivers of economic recovery and the best foundations for Europe’s future prosperity.
The president of ACCIONA Energy, Carmen Becerril, underscored ACCIONA’s support for the EUs initiatives aimed at strengthening the Carbon Market by recalibrating the EU’s Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and doing away with subsidies. Ms. Becerril added that "we cannot allow the current downturn to dampen the development of renewable energies", and went on to call on the EU to "meet its commitments with 2020 and set goals for 2030". The head of ACCIONA’s energy arm pointed out that "renewable energy projects are capital intensive and access to capital and capital cost financing are the main issues facing the Renewable Energy sector."
Carmen Becerril stressed that "flexibility and adaptation in the renewable policy frameworks cannot be subject to retroactive criteria. In order for investors to take the industry seriously, long term clean energy plans and stable policy and market frameworks are essential, including clear signals towards greening EU and Member State budgets".