Vestas wind power releases high-wind V112-3.0 MW wind turbines

At the same time there is also a vast level of high-wind resources in emerging wind markets. In both cases, the new V112-3.0 MW IEC S high-wind turbine is developed to deliver on these customer and market needs for a productive and reliable 3 MW turbine with a low cost of energy.

Huge high-wind potential

“The global market for high-wind turbines is diverse. In traditional and mature wind markets like the European mainland, there are not that many high-wind sites and opportunities left. However, in other markets, there are huge untapped high-wind resources and potential for high-wind specific turbines,” says Knud Winther Nielsen, Senior Product Manager in Vestas Turbines R&D and head of the commercial development of the V112-3.0 MW.

“Vestas sees a lot of potential in the high-wind IEC 1 segment in large geographical markets such as the US, Canada and Australia. There are also a lot of high-wind resources waiting to be harvested in the emerging markets. Going forward, we expect these markets to drive the growth in onshore wind and the V112-3.0 MW IEC S is developed to give our customers in these markets a solid and reliable return on their investment.”

Lowering the price customers pay for energy

Vestas is constantly working to lower the cost of making energy from the wind. The new high-wind version of the V112-3.0 MW is offering low cost of energy by providing a high and reliable energy production, while at the same time securing low operation and maintenance costs. Technically, the V112-3.0 MW IEC S is adapted to high wind-sites through a gearbox modified to handle the increased loads from high-wind speeds.

“Vestas always aims for enabling our customers to produce energy for the lowest possible cost, getting the most out of their investment through innovation, a high level of testing and constant improvements. The new high-wind V112-3.0 MW IEC S is an example on how we deliver on this promise with continuous development of our products according to the needs we see in the market,” concludes Knud Winther Nielsen.

Well proven technology

The V112-3.0 MW is based upon well proven and awarded technology, including the 2010 Zayed Future Energy prize. With the new IEC S high wind-version, the V112-3.0 MW covers all wind classes and wind speed sites.

The large swept area of the blades of the V112-3.0 MW increase the efficiency of the turbine, capturing maximum energy from the wind. Thereby it delivers higher productivity and lower cost of energy, as well as unprecedented reliability which has been assured through the intense testing and verification of the components as well as on seven prototype V112-3.0 MW turbines.

Every single day, Vestas wind turbines deliver clean energy that supports the global fight against climate change. Wind power from Vestas’ more than 46,000 wind turbines currently reduces carbon emissions by approximately 55 million tons of CO2 every year, while at the same time building energy security and independence.

Today, Vestas has delivered wind energy in 69 countries, providing jobs for over 20,000 passionate people at our service and project sites, research facilities, factories and offices all over the world. With 66.9 per cent more megawatts installed than our closest competitor and more than 50,000 MW of cumulative installed capacity worldwide, Vestas is the world leader in wind energy.