Loan for Enercon Sweden wind energy project

One of the initial wind farm planned as part of the massive Markbygden onshore wind energy complex in Sweden has secured finance of €84.5m ($112m).
KfW IPEX-Bank and SEB will between them extend the loan to the 84.6MW Skogberget development, which will use 36 E-92 wind turbines from Germany’s Enercon.
Along with developer Svevind, Enercon is a partner in the Markbygden project in the Polar region of northern Sweden, which in 2010 was being touted as potentially the biggest onshore wind complex in the world with a capacity up to 4GW.
According to the project’s website there is currently only a 24 MW pilot wind power project in operation, but a statement issued today reiterated plans for up to 1,100 wind turbines to be installed.
In May 2008, Markbygden Vind AB, applied for permission to build and operate a large-scale wind-power plant in Markbygden, Pitea Municipality. The application concern an area of app. 450 km2, with potential for an establishment of up to 1101 WTGS. The total production could be 8-12 TWh. The company considers the scope of the project to be of the extent where the matter of its approval should be settled by the government (Download and read EIA (sv: MKB) and technical description).
Markbygden and the high situated, western parts of Infjärden, west of Piteå have very good wind conditions. The area is, for most part, sparsely populated and hence there are comparatively few contrary opinions. Furthermore, the area is crossed by tre large power lines, suitable for transportation of electricity.
The project is an enormous industrial project within the sector of renewable energy, holding possibilities of becoming one of Europe’s largest industrial investments. In May 2008, Enercon became part owner in Markbygden Vind AB. Enercon is one of the world’s largest wind power manufacturers/suppliers. The contract between the main owner Svevind and Enercon represents both co-operation in the realization of Markbygdenprojektet and a supply-guarantee of the turbines for the project.


Five reference groups have been formed in connection to the Markbygdenproject. The purpose of these groups is to, through meetings with Markbygden Vind AB, act as a sounding board for the company, representing the ideas of the local population and the business world. They shall have good insight in the planning of the project and the possibility to provide the important local knowledge needed. An important note is that the reference groups are a free-standing complement to the present, statutory consultation, that is prescribed by Swedish Environmental Code.