KEMA Wins Contract for 1,200 MW Offshore Wind Farm Study in Germany

German utility EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG issued the tender. Once fully operational, the wind farms will have a maximum capacity of 1,200 MW of wind power and produce approximately 4.5 billion kilowatt-hours per year, which is equal to the annual consumption of 1.2 million households.

The two wind farms are vital in the realization of the German wind energy target — up to 25,000 megawatts installed capacity of offshore wind energy by 2030 — and should be realized on December 31, 2015.

The results of the FEED study will provide major input and basis for EnBW’s further project planning and investment decisions. The two offshore wind farms (OWF) will be situated approximately 85 kilometers north of the island Borkum. The total capacity of the two wind farms will be up to 1,200 megawatts depending on the final wind farm layout and wind turbine generator (WTG) design. The total area of the farms is 105 km² with water depth between 38 and 40 meters.

KEMA will be responsible for the set-up and evaluation of several design concepts, such as the park layout, WTG selection, foundation types, platform concepts, installation procedures and maritime logistics. This information will provide major input for the design of the OWF, which will be according to the specifications of the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie — the German Federal Office for sea shipping and hydrography (BSH).

The project return will be optimized due to the consideration of total cost of ownership: purchasing, erection, operation and decommissioning with risk and sensitivity analyses. Major subjects are operation and maintenance, including crew transfer concepts, vessel types, helicopter transport, and accommodation platforms. The work will be carried out by an international team from KEMA offices in Arnhem (Netherlands), Bonn, Dresden and Hamburg (Germany). KEMA will be supported in this project by IMS Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH, Hamburg, and DEWI GmbH, Wilhelmshaven.

Pier Nabuurs, Chief Executive Officer KEMA: "The award of this contract by EnBW against tough international competition confirms and strengthens KEMA’s role as a global, multi-discipline consultancy provider for the offshore and onshore wind energy sector. We are pleased that we are directly involved in the realization of the German wind energy goals in 2030."

Founded in 1927 and headquartered in the Netherlands, KEMA is an independent knowledge provider operating globally in the energy value chain and specializing in high-quality services in the field of business and technical consultancy, operational support, measurements and inspections, calibration and metering and high-voltage testing and certification. As an impartial organization, KEMA provides consultancy and support to governmental bodies and producers, suppliers and end-users of energy and related equipment. KEMA employs more than 1,500 professionals and has offices and representatives in more than 20 countries worldwide.