Congressional Act Calls for 10 Million New Solar Roofs

Evolution Solar Corp. (Pink Sheets:EVSO) voiced support for a bill filed Wednesday by Bernie Sanders (I-VT) dubbed the "10 Million Solar Roofs and 10 Million Gallons of Solar Hot Water Act". The Act would provide rebates that cover up to half the cost of new systems, along the lines of incentive programs in California and New Jersey. The bill aims to get 10 million solar roofs and 200,000 solar heaters up and running, producing a total of 30,000 megawatts over the next 10 years.

"We support the initiatives calling for the expansion of solar energy in the US – it just makes good sense for job creation and our nation’s future," said Robert Hines, president of EVSO.

Such a generous tax break would make distributed solar extremely attractive, especially considering that the price of photovoltaic cells keeps on dropping. Additional benefits include the fact that distributed solar, like solar roof projects, can be easily linked to the grid and can create jobs swiftly – thanks to the fact that there are relatively few assessment hurdles to be jumped.

EVSO is currently developing a solar demonstration site with Texas Southern University, to be located at the university’s Houston campus. The demonstration installation should help Evolution Solar in competing with larger sector players such as First Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ:FSLR), Trina Solar (NYSE:TSL), Suntech Power (NYSE:STP) and SunPower Corp. (NASDAQ:SPWRA).

Evolution Solar Corporation, (EVSO), commercializes leading edge alternative solar energy technologies and related photovoltaic technologies, equipment and next generation appliances. Evolution Solar is an emerging industry leader capitalizing on its understanding of solar technology and supporting the development of alternative energy plans for large corporations and government organizations. Evolution Solar is also an expert consultant agency to organizations in their strategic and procurement plans for alternative energy contracts with public utilities.