The renewable energy organizations see the Spanish Energy and Climate Plan ambitious but feasible

The main renewable energy organizations in Spain highlight that the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (Pniec) is «ambitious» but «feasible», and that proposals such as reaching 74% of renewable electricity generation in 2030 «could even be exceed».

The president of Protermosolar, Luis Crespo, has pointed out that all actors must work «together and efficiently» to complement each other and respond to the demand for clean energy that supports solar thermal.

Crespo has explained that concentrated solar power is one of the answers and that in the Pniec «we fell short» when defining its objectives.

In a forum on energy and decarbonization organized by El Economista, the general director of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (Unef), José Donoso, has highlighted the role of administrations in their fulfillment and has asked that «no breaks occur», that is, «that the prices set» are met.

Donoso has also claimed that part of the new renewable capacity auctions are reserved for small projects and that «certain firmness» is required in projects that request a connection point to ensure their use and «do not occupy the position» that «other actors could use.»

The general director of APPA Renovables, José María González, stressed that if taxation in Spain does not change, «the Pniec will not be fulfilled.»

The president of the Association of Electric Power Companies (Aelec), Marina Serrano, said that the plan «marks the path», but that there are still «concrete tools to achieve the objectives.»

Serrano has insisted on the need to invest in networks because «they must be prepared to empower the consumer» and has stressed the need to «establish price signals».

«The decarbonization objectives cannot be achieved if electrification is not increased, which not only includes the electricity sector but must be extended to other sectors such as industry or mobility,» he explained.

The CEO of the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE), Juan Virgilio Márquez, explained that energy and industry must be coordinated because «any decision in one of them has an impact on the others.»

In the absence of objectives in offshore wind energy in the Pniec, Márquez has indicated that its regulation is necessary and that his organization has proposed a proposal to the Government that he has described as «reasonable».

The main representatives of renewable energies have also agreed that technological development is key to achieving the objectives defined in the Pniec.

«The Pniec has large investments that must be taken advantage of for Spain to position itself in a new sector,» Donoso said.