The new figures show that Ireland is on track to meet its 2020 wind energy target after a few months of new wind turbines additions.
The 2020 target is to get 40% of the country’s electricity from renewables, and figures from the Irish Wind Energy Association (IWEA) show that wind provided 28.5% of Ireland’s electricity in April. , May and June.
The electricity generated by wind power in the first half of this year was 36.8%.
More wind energy: more jobs, more investment
IWEA CEO Dr. David Connolly said Ireland is “clearly on the right track” in reaching the 2020 target.
“Last year we broke records by providing a third of the country’s electricity and, along with smaller contributions from other renewables, we are now clearly on track to meet Ireland’s 40% renewable electricity target by 2020,” said the Dr. Connolly.
“Ireland is number one in the world for the proportion of electricity demand met by onshore wind power.
More wind energy means less carbon emissions and fewer fossil fuel imports. It means more jobs and more investment in Ireland.
According to Dr. Connolly, June was the “best month on record” for generating electricity from wind power. Two new wind farms were connected and the building permit was obtained for another 136 MW of wind power.
Last week’s Supreme Court decision overturning the government’s plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions means a new plan is needed to allow Ireland to build a CO2-free society by 2050.
Dr Connolly welcomed the Supreme Court decision, adding: “Wind power will be Ireland’s main source of electricity in five years. As we electrify heat and transportation with electric vehicles, the need to develop more renewable electricity and to do so more quickly will become increasingly urgent.”