NYSERDA Anounces New York State Solar Thermal Incentive Program

The program is a 5 year, 25 million dollar solar thermal program with system incentives from 4,000 up to 25,000 dollars. NYSEIA and NYSERDA have been working extensively recently to discuss the incentives necessary to jump start the solar thermal market.

The two organizations have also discussed several other important topics to increase solar thermal awareness in New York such as streamlining the paperwork process, alternative certifications to NABCEP and alternative methods for measuring the displacement of electrical usage.

We were pleased to see that PON 2149 recognizes many of the concerns expressed by NYSEIA and provides that individual incentives will start at a rate of $1.50 per kWh (or mmBtu equivalent for Non- RPS funding based on estimated displaced electrical usage).

While these incentive levels may be adjusted as necessary in order to meet the program goals, they are an excellent first step in creating a robust solar thermal marketplace in New York State. The PON also provides alternatives to NABCEP certification, alternatives to certify displaced electrical usage and a streamlined application process.

The Empire kits from SunMaxx Solar, which are specifically designed for the New York State climate, fall under these incentives from PON 2149. The incentives will help jump-start the solar thermal market in New York State and propel us towards are more sustainable future.

These kits were specifically designed for the New York State climate and boast great performance ratings. The kit is an entire system with everything you will need to build and assemble your solar thermal system. You can be confident you’re getting the most affordable system solution with the best performing products in the solar thermal industry.

Contact one of our knowledgeable solar thermal experts today to find out more about the new EmpireMaxx Series Solar Hot Water Heating Kits.

SunMaxx Solar is an industry leader in the manufacturing and distribution of turnkey solar thermal solutions for domestic hot water and space heating systems.
