A new technology, the perovskite photovoltaic cell, promises to revolutionize solar energy

Solar photovoltaics (PV) is about to undergo a major transformation. With the development of perovskite photovoltaic cells, the solar panels we know today could become a thing of the past. But what makes this new technology so special?

The perovskite photovoltaic cell is made of a mineral composed of calcium, titanium and oxygen, which has a unique crystalline structure. This composition allows for much higher efficiency in converting sunlight into electricity compared to traditional silicon solar panels.
Since 2009, the efficiency of perovskite cells has increased from 3.8% to an impressive 26.1%. In contrast, the silicon solar panels we currently use have an efficiency of between 15% and 22%. In addition to being more efficient, perovskite cells are lighter, more flexible and cheaper to produce. They can be manufactured at temperatures of up to 200ºC, while silicon panels require temperatures around 1,000ºC, saving a lot of energy in the production process.
Something that silicon solar panels have difficulty doing. This makes perovskite cells much more effective in different climate conditions. However, the new technology faces a major challenge: durability.
Perovskite cells degrade quickly when exposed to moisture and heat, reducing their lifespan compared to silicon solar panels, which are more weather resistant.
If perovskite cells reach the desired durability, we will be witnessing a revolution in solar photovoltaics, turning silicon solar panels into a museum piece. The future of solar energy looks bright and more efficient with this innovation.