All posts by reve

Sunways solar cells for the largest transparent photovoltaic roof in the USA

Sunways AG has received its largest individual order for building-integrated photovoltaics to date: the Konstanz-based photovoltaics specialist is supplying semitransparent design solar cells for the new US head office of pharmaceutical company Novartis. The new construction in East Hanover, New Jersey, will see the installation of the largest transparent photovoltaic roof in the USA. Renowned … Continue reading Sunways solar cells for the largest transparent photovoltaic roof in the USA

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Senior housing complex on mission to power electric vehicles

Sand River Cohousing, formerly called Eldergrace, is a group of 28 houses on Cerrillos Road. Residents are age 55 and older. Many are on fixed incomes and rely on Social Security. A senior housing development in Santa Fe has an ambitious dream already under way to power shared electric vehicles off of a shared solar … Continue reading Senior housing complex on mission to power electric vehicles

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Duke joint venture completes wind farm

Duke Energy Renewables and Sumitomo Corp. of America have completed construction of the Ironwood Windpower Project, the second of their joint venture’s two Kansas wind farms. Duke Energy Renewables and Sumitomo Corp. of America, part of Tokyo-based Sumitomo Corp., announced today the completion of the second of the joint venture partners’ two Kansas wind farms … Continue reading Duke joint venture completes wind farm

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Certification for Siemens SWT 6.0-154 wind turbine prototype

GL Renewables Certification has awarded a prototype certification to Siemens Wind Power‘s SWT-6.0-154 6 MW offshore wind turbine. GL Renewables Certificationhas provided Siemens Wind Power prototype certification for its new 6-megawatt offshore wind turbine SWT-6.0-154. The prototype certification is a prerequisite for the testing of the turbine. Field testing of Siemens Wind Power’s new 154-meter … Continue reading Certification for Siemens SWT 6.0-154 wind turbine prototype

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Endesa develops electric vehicles’ wireless fast charging

With a 2.3 million euro budget, this pioneering project in Europe will run for two-and-a-half years. Today, Endesa has launched the European Project ‘Unplugged’ in Barcelona through the project’s consortium. The initiative is aimed at developing wireless, or ‘inductive’, fast charge for electric vehicles as well as investigating how this innovative charging system can improve … Continue reading Endesa develops electric vehicles’ wireless fast charging

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Solar-Powered Electric Car Charger in Sofia

The solar car charger is free for citizens to use as it generates its own energy. “The photovoltaic equipment feeds from the light and not the heat and is even more efficient in winter time, when there is no need for cooling down,” engineer Rosen Malchev said. The new solar-powered electric car charger in Sofia, … Continue reading Solar-Powered Electric Car Charger in Sofia

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Americans Still Behind Clean Energy

Capitalism, as the famous economist Joseph Schumpeter noted, is all about “creative destruction”. Firms come and go. Some survive. Some do not. So it’s unfortunate for America when critics of clean energy seek to politicize what the most ardent believers in free markets believe is a natural, ongoing part of a healthy economy. While it’s … Continue reading Americans Still Behind Clean Energy

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Nuclear decommissioning costs amount to €66 billion in UK alone

The nuclear industry’s ‘Foratom’ blog recently criticised EWEA’s argument in a recent report that “massive subsidies to fossil fuels and nuclear energy…. remain the rule”. Foratom instead claimed that “it is renewable energies, especially wind and solar energy that are the most systematically subsidised forms of energy, not nuclear energy.” Foratom then set out some … Continue reading Nuclear decommissioning costs amount to €66 billion in UK alone

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Electric Vehicles: The Tipping Point for the Smart Grid

We worry about electric vehicles the way Woody Allen worries about death. Nearly everything seems like a threat: their expensive batteries, excessive weight, and, scariest of all, their potential to leave us stranded somewhere we don’t want to be. But let’s not leave all the anxiety to electric car owners. The rest of us need … Continue reading Electric Vehicles: The Tipping Point for the Smart Grid

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Solar power mentioned in second U.S. presidential debate

While wind power generation has roughly doubled, solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) generation have increased 270% under Obama’s presidency, from 1.55 GW to 5.71 GW, according to figures from the U.S. Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA, Washington D.C., U.S.). Solar energy, wind power and other renewable energy sources were again mentioned in … Continue reading Solar power mentioned in second U.S. presidential debate

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Perseverance, logistics acumen make Alaska wind energy project reality

In landmark renewable energy news for Alaska, the 17.6-MW Fire Island Wind Project is now on line and generating power, concluding another rather remarkable story in American wind power development. The facility, jointly developed by Summit Power and owner Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI), is the largest wind project currently on line in the state. … Continue reading Perseverance, logistics acumen make Alaska wind energy project reality

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Offshore wind energy development sees boom in Fujian

The world added 1.4 gW of installed offshore wind power capacity in 2010, up 110 percent year-on-year and accounting for 3.7 percent of the world’s total installed energy capacity. According to the International Energy Agency, wind energy will make the largest contribution to global renewable power by 2017, with China leading offshore wind power growth. … Continue reading Offshore wind energy development sees boom in Fujian

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Vindkraft Ukraina plans to build a wind farm on Black Sea coast in 2013

Vindkraft Ukraina LLC plans to build wind energy plants with a total capacity of 18 MW on the Black Sea coast in 2013, the co-owner of the company, Fredrik Svinhufvud, said at the International Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Forum REF-2012 held in Kyiv on October 16-17, 2012. “Our first project is Novorossiske wind farm … Continue reading Vindkraft Ukraina plans to build a wind farm on Black Sea coast in 2013

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The Future of Solar Energy in Chile

High energy costs, electricity black-outs, growing resistance towards expanding hydro and falling equipment prices are paving the way for solar photovoltaic energy generation in Chile. Chile’s capital city will host the “International PV Trade Mission: Chile,” which will take place from November 12 to 16. Promoted by Solarplaza, a Dutch company with a focus on … Continue reading The Future of Solar Energy in Chile

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New Players in the Middle East Renewable Energy Market

There is vast solar energy potential in the MENA region with 35 of the most successful projects underway being concentrated solar power plants. By 2050, these solar farms could supply up to 15 percent of Europe’s electricity needs and a substantial portion of the power needs of the producer countries with carbon-free power. The United … Continue reading New Players in the Middle East Renewable Energy Market

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Will US wind energy splutter out if Mitt Romney cuts its subsidy?

Jacob Susman is frustrated again. Sitting in the bright green conference room of his company’s trendy industrial office, overshadowed by the Brooklyn Bridge, he’s a clean-cut poster child for the “green economy”: Since 2007, Susman’s OwnEnergy, which installs wind turbines, has grown to be one of the nation’s most prominent wind installers. But he’s plagued … Continue reading Will US wind energy splutter out if Mitt Romney cuts its subsidy?

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