All posts by reve

Energy Storage on the Grid

Long Duration Energy Storage Systems: Compressed Air, Pumped Storage, NaS Batteries, Advanced Lead Acid Batteries, Flow Batteries, and Lithium Ion Batteries for Utility-Scale Storage: Market Analysis and Forecasts. Long-duration or bulk energy storage on the grid (ESG) is by far the largest market for energy storage, and until recently was the only market. Advances in … Continue reading Energy Storage on the Grid

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GDF Suez to Complete Romanian Wind Farm by Early December

GDF Suez SA (GSZ) will complete the construction of a 75 million-euro wind farm in Romania at the end of November or early December. The French natural-gas distributor will conclude building its 48-megawatt wind farm and is considering investing into other wind projects in the eastern European country, Stab said today in an interview in … Continue reading GDF Suez to Complete Romanian Wind Farm by Early December

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CEZ Operates the Largest Wind Farm in Europe

“This wind farm is the greatest project in the world outside the United States,” proudly says Daniel Bene, Chief Executive Officer of CEZ. CEZ connected the 216 wind turbines to the grid, thanks to which the Fantanele-Cogealac Wind Farm in Romania, with an installed capacity of 540 MW, surpassed its rival in Scotland, and has … Continue reading CEZ Operates the Largest Wind Farm in Europe

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Offshore Wind Energy Development Would Boost Economy

The development of 7 GW of offshore wind power projects in the Mid-Atlantic would create over 170,000 jobs in the region; increase the gross domestic product by 19 billion; and increase federal, state and local revenues by 4.6 billion, according to the study. The large-scale development of offshore wind power off the Mid-Atlantic coast would … Continue reading Offshore Wind Energy Development Would Boost Economy

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China firm to build 30-MW solar power project in Nepal

It would be the largest ever solar energy project in Nepal. Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chinese solar energy firm Hunan Yueer Solar Energy Technology Co. Ltd. for installing a 30-Megawatt solar station in the country. The MoU stated that that a solar company would be established in … Continue reading China firm to build 30-MW solar power project in Nepal

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Brazil Braxenergy to install two 30 MW photovoltaic solar power plants

Brazilian renewable energy developer Braxenergy filed a request with local energy sector watchdog Aneel for the installation of two 30 MW photovoltaic (PV) solar plants, Juazeiro I and Juazeiro II, and their respective transmission systems. Braxenergy plans to install the ventures in Brazil’s northeastern Bahia state.  Aneel has also received a request for the installation … Continue reading Brazil Braxenergy to install two 30 MW photovoltaic solar power plants

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EnerDel announces residual value for its lithium ion batteries

EnerDel, Inc., a leading manufacturer of advanced lithium-ion batteries and energy storage systems, today announced a new program that provides customers with a Guaranteed Residual Value (GRV) for its products of up to 25 percent. The industry-first offering applies the residual value toward the price of a replacement system after a predetermined period of service … Continue reading EnerDel announces residual value for its lithium ion batteries

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Climate change off the agenda in US Presidential election

While there is no doubt that the US is the number one economy in the world and its international influence — from popular culture to military power — is second to none, trying to understand the nation’s domestic political scene is far from an easy task. Take for example recent stories regarding climate change denial, … Continue reading Climate change off the agenda in US Presidential election

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GE, EV World Collaborate To Roll Out Electric Vehicles In Malaysia, Singapore

The companies said the collaboration would lead to a collaborative research and development centre of excellence for EV technology. General Electric and EV World Pte Ltd have announced a collaboration on technology development and strategic initiatives to support the roll out of electric vehicles (EV) in Malaysia and Singapore. “It will also allow both parties … Continue reading GE, EV World Collaborate To Roll Out Electric Vehicles In Malaysia, Singapore

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Indonesia continues to develop Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles

Indonesia recently reported continues to develop Lithium-Ion batteries for electric vehicles including cars and bus. Growth in Indonesia’s automotive industry lately has increased significantly, also thanks to the 2012 Indonesia Motor Show. This rapid growth has made the Indonesian government increasingly interested in developing electric vehicles. As you know, the electric vehicles can offer better … Continue reading Indonesia continues to develop Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles

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The Auto Industry Races Toward Electric Vehicles

Force Energy Corp. (OTC:QB:FORC Company) is a junior lithium and rare earth metals mineral Canadian exploration company with over 1.7 million tons of lithium reported. Demand for lithium is currently  at an all time high , as today lithium batteries power the majority of mobile electronics and electric car batteries. It is predicted that carmakers … Continue reading The Auto Industry Races Toward Electric Vehicles

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Reason Foundation FAIL on wind energy and emissions

A number of fossil fuel-funded groups recently set out to attack wind energy by paying for a new report ( claiming wind energy is difficult to integrate onto the utility system and doesn’t provide the expected benefits. The only problem? The Reason Foundation’s analysis ended up producing results that contradict those claims and actually support … Continue reading Reason Foundation FAIL on wind energy and emissions

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Alabama Power ‘doubles down’ on wind energy

Alabama Power Co. said recently that it has received approval from the Alabama Public Service Commission to purchase more electricity from Midwestern wind projects. A new purchase of electricity from Buffalo Dunes Wind Project, LLC, the firm said, mirrors one previously approved with Chisholm View Wind Project, LLC. Combined, the deals add up to 404 … Continue reading Alabama Power ‘doubles down’ on wind energy

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Wind energy in Finland: Gamesa debuts in the wind farm market

The 18 MW contract with TuuliWatti Ltd also includes operation and maintenance (O&M) services for 10 years, extendable for another five year. The company is making progress in its expansion in northern Europe’s wind power market, following its arrival in Sweden over a year ago. Gamesa, a global technology leader in wind energy, has bolstered … Continue reading Wind energy in Finland: Gamesa debuts in the wind farm market

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Morocco seeks to be solar energy leader

Morocco’s driving to become the world’s leading solar power state with a pilot project in the Sahara Desert. Morocco is driving to become the world’s leading solar power state, with a 7,400-acre pilot project in the Sahara Desert it hopes will lead to vast carbon-free solar energy plants that could supply much of Europe’s electricity … Continue reading Morocco seeks to be solar energy leader

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Fraunhofer researchers earn environmental award: Concentrated solar power

An achievement for the solar experts: Dr. Andreas Bett of Fraunhofer ISE and Hansjörg Lerchenmüller of the Soitec Company received the 2012 DBU German Environmental Award. Federal President Joachim Gauck will honor them with this distinction on Oct. 28, in recognition of the development and industrial application of concentrator photovoltaic systems. Climate change, dwindling fossil … Continue reading Fraunhofer researchers earn environmental award: Concentrated solar power

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Europe‘s wind energy is growing with Enel Green Power

According to the EWEA, Europe’s installed wind power capacity now exceeds 100 GW, ensuring electric supplies to 57 million households. In this growth Enel Green Power has played an essential role. Wind energy in Europe now exceeds 100 GW of capacity, reported the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) in a recent paper. According to EWEA … Continue reading Europe‘s wind energy is growing with Enel Green Power

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Lithium-Air Battery Tech Could Store Four Times More Energy than Today’s Accumulators

Lithium-air batteries promise to store four times more energy than conventional batteries. Unfortunately, exactly what goes inside advanced lithium-air batteries as they charge and discharge has always been impossible to observe directly. Now, a new technique developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers promises to change that, allowing study of this electrochemical activity as it … Continue reading Lithium-Air Battery Tech Could Store Four Times More Energy than Today’s Accumulators

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