Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (7270) has reached its initial goal of clinching orders for 50 of the 2,000kw wind turbines that it co-developed with Hitachi Ltd.
Continue readingClipper Awarded £4.4 Million DECC Grant for Development of Offshore Wind Turbine
Clipper Windpower Marine Limited was awarded £4.4million under the ETF Offshore Wind Demonstration Call previously announced by the Department for Energy.
Continue readingScottishPower Renewables Begins Work At Arecleoch Wind farm
Construction work has officially started at one of Scotland’s largest windfarms – the 120 MW 60 wind turbine project at Arecleoch near Barrhill, South Ayrshire.
Continue readingEl desarrollo eólico de Cantabria es fundamental para impulsar el nuevo modelo productivo y frenar el cambio climático
Los aerogeneradores sólo ocuparán el 2% del territorio cántabro. En el otro 98% no habrá ningún parque eólico, en una región que importa el 65% de la electricidad que consume. La eólica no emite CO2.
Continue readingCemex ampliará Eurus, un parque de energía eólica en Oaxaca con aerogeneradores de Acciona
La empresa Cemex hará un segundo parque eólico en la Ventosa, Tehuantepec, con 33 aerogeneradoros de Acciona y una inversión de 550 millones de dólares.
Continue readingHitachi mejora el rendimiento de las baterías de iones de litio
Hitachi ha anunciado que ha creado una nueva cuarta generación de su sistema de baterías que tiene 4.500 W/kg de densidad, 1,7 veces más que las actuales baterías de iones de litio de los vehículos eléctricos.
Continue readingLitium battery performance improved by Hitachi
Hitachi develops automotive lithium-ion battery having the world’s highest power density of 4,500W/kg, 1.7 times the output of the company’s mass-produced, automotive lithium-ion batteries.
Continue readingMurdoch press calls for climate catastrophe by Renfrey Clarke (Green Left Weekly)
Not in so many words, mind you ? frankness has rarely been the strong suit of News Corporation journalists and editors. The editorial in question argued in support of ?clean coal?.
Continue readingChina Wind Power: Yunnan province plans 2822 MW of wind energy
Since 2009, the prices of China’s wind turbine and blades, bearings and other key parts decreased substantially, which is a big challenge for these new entrants and existing wind power equipment companies.
Continue readingMitos sobre los costes de las fuentes energéticas por José Santamarta
Intentar una comparación rigurosa sobre los costes de las diferentes fuentes de energía, con una atención especial a la generación de electricidad, es una tarea difícil, cuando no imposible, pero no por ello menos necesaria.
Continue readingDo wind turbines kill birds?
Avian mortality and wind energy has received far more attention than the avian deaths associated with coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power, even though this study suggests that wind energy may be the least harmful.
Continue readingEmpresarios, sindicatos, universidades y ecologistas (Greenpeace) apoyan el Plan Eólico de Cantabria
La CEOE ha desbaratado todas las críticas del PP regional y la campaña orquestada contra la eólica por los defensores de la nuclear de Garoña. La eólica es la renovable con menos impacto ambiental.
Continue readingThe Economics of Wind Energy By Patricia Weis–Taylor (IEA)
Total installed costs onshore for 2008 ranged from a low of 984 ?/kW (Mexico) to a high of 1,885 ?/kW (Switzerland). Total installed costs offshore ranged from 2,100 ?/kW (UK) to 3,230 ?/kW (Germany).
Continue readingWind Power – Worldwide Installed Capacity
In 2008, cumulative installed wind power capacity increased nearly 29% worldwide. At the close of 2008, three-quarters of the nearly 121 GW of the world?s wind generating capacity was operating in the IEA Wind member.
Continue readingPacific Wildcat: Lithium potential in Mozambique
Pacific Wildcat Resources Corp. announce that in addition to its primary objective of adding to the existing tantalum resource base, it is actively examining the lithium potential on its licences in Mozambique.
Continue readingLa eólica en Cataluña: un paso adelante, dos atrás
La asociación EolicCat, compuesta por cincuenta empresas del sector eólico catalán, ha solicitado a la Generalitat que concrete las zonas de desarrollo prioritarios (ZDP) en las que se pueden instalar parques eólicos.
Continue readingWind Energy ‘Sprawl’ and the Green Economy-Wind Energy Doesn’t Require Excessive Land Use
Denise Bode Letter to the Editor, Wall Street Journal, ?Wind Energy Doesn?t Require Excessive Land Use? .
Continue readingCommerce Secretary Unveils Plan for Smart Grid Interoperability
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke unveiled a plan for developing standards to transform the U.S. power distribution system into a secure, more efficient and environmentally friendly Smart Grid and create clean-energy jobs.
Continue readingChina Wind Power Equipment Industry Chain
Bharatbook.com included 2009-2013 Deep Research Report on China Wind Power Equipment Industry Chainh that gives insight into China Wind energy Equipment industry development trend analysis by technologyor price.
Continue readingVolkswagen y VARTA fabricarán baterías de iones litio
Volkswagen y la empresa de baterías VARTA Microbattery GMBH crearán una sociedad de riesgo compartido para desarrollar baterías de iones de litio para vehículos eléctricos.
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