International Battery announced that NASA has awarded International Battery a contract to build a battery prototype that will provide backup power in support of the space shuttle program.
Continue readingA splash of graphene improves battery materials
Researchers would like to develop lithium-ion batteries using titanium dioxide, an inexpensive material. But titanium dioxide on its own doesn’t perform well enough.
Continue readingWestern Wind secures extension for Mesa Wind Farm at least 50MW
The Mesa project is potentially one of the highest yielding wind parks in the country, per megawatt (MW), due to its outstanding wind speeds.
Continue readingCLP Expands its Renewable Portfolio with a 99 MW Wind Farm in Tamil Nadu, India
With the 99 MW Theni project, CLP India’s portfolio of committed wind energy investments will grow to approximately 450 MW, making CLP one of the largest wind energy developers in India.
Continue readingWind energy powers job creation opportunities for Canadian manufacturers
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters and CanWEA announce strategic partnership to explore Canadian manufacturing opportunities in the growing global wind energy industry.
Continue reading3M ACCR can help overcome land permission problems for connecting offshore wind farms
3M, the diversified technology company, has announced the UK launch of 3M ACCR (Aluminium Conductor Composite Reinforced), a breakthrough in overhead power transmission.
Continue readingLos Reyes inauguran la planta solar PS20 de Abengoa, la mayor central comercial de torre del mundo
El acto ha contado con la presencia del presidente de la Junta de Andalucía, José Antonio Griñán Martínez, y la ministra de Innovación, Desarrollo y Ciencia, Cristina Garmendia.
Continue readingNACEL Energy Receives Permitting at Texas Wind Power Project
NACEL announced the completion of major environmental assessment work at its Swisher wind power project, located in Swisher County, Texas.
Continue readingAMSC Korea Formed to Capitalize on Substantial Wind Energy and Power Grid Opportunities
American Superconductor Corporation announced that it has formed AMSC Korea to serve South Korea?s rapidly growing wind energy and power grid markets.
Continue readingEl Grupo Bergé distribuirá en España los vehículos eléctricos de BYD
El grupo Bergé, el mayor importador automovilístico español, firmó un acuerdo con el fabricante chino de coches eléctricos e híbridos Build Your Dreams (BYD) para su distribución en el mercado español.
Continue readingSe crea el Foro Español del Vehículo Eléctrico
Idae, Accions, Bosch, Circutor, Endesa, Exide Technologies, Fae, Mondragón Automoción, Iberdrola, Lear, Nagares, Ormazábal, Prointec, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Red Eléctrica de España, Renaul, Seat, Volkswagen y Gas Natural.
Continue readingEólica en Cantabria-176 ofertas de 51 empresas optan a los 1.400 MW del Plan Eólico
El consejero de Industria y Desarrollo Tecnológico, Juan José Sota, informó de esta nueva fase del concurso eólico, una vez recibidas ya todas las ofertas, y se felicitó por el éxito de la convocatoria.
Continue readingPeugeot comercializará el coche eléctrico i0n en 2010
Peugeot lanzará en 2010 un vehículo eléctrico, el i0n, con baterías de iones de litio y una autonomía de 130 kilómetros entre recargas.
Continue readingSouthern Africa’s renewable energy market
Despite the considerable potential that exists to produce electricity using renewable energy (RE) in southern Africa, RE projects have been largely limited to off-grid, small-scale applications.
Continue readingSiemens Join Offshore Wind Global Experts at Pioneering Event
Siemens Wind Power confirmed their involvement in the Offshore wind energy in coastal north america and great lakes event.
Continue readingGE Energy?s 2.5xl Wind Turbine Offers Extreme Cold Weather Capabilities
GE Energy?s most advanced wind turbine, the 2.5xl, is now available with a Cold Weather Extreme (CWE) package. GE made the announcement at CanWEA 2009, sponsored by the Canadian Wind Energy Association.
Continue readingGlobal Wind Power Markets
The wind power market has received considerable attention and investment for over the current years as a consequence of the rising energy demand and climate change problems.
Continue readingDinamarca inaugura el parque eólico marino de Horns Rev
La construcción ha durado 18 meses y la potencia eólica asciende a 209 MW proporcionados por 91 aerogeneradores de Siemens de 2,3 MW. La inauguración coincidió con anuncios similares en Alemania y Reino Unido.
Continue readingLa eólica Iberdrola Renovables recibe otros 251 millones de dólares en EE UU
Iberdrola Renovables ha obtenido 251 millones de dólares en la segunda ronda de adjudicación de los fondos de estímulo del Gobierno de Estados Unidos para el desarrollo de tres parques eólicos.
Continue readingIberdrola Renewables Awarded Nearly $251 Million for 3 wind projects
Iberdrola Renewables has received three grants totaling $250,953,367. Grants were awarded to the 160 MW Barton project (Iowa), 146 MW Farmers City project (Missouri), and the 120 MW Barton Chapel project (Texas).
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