La empresa ha instalado 7.291 MW eólicos en catorce países, de los que un 20% se han construido para otras compañías.
Continue readingBarack Obama?s Speech on Climate Change
Following is the prepared text of President Obama’s speech on Tuesday to the United Nations General Assembly, as released by the White House.
Continue readingEl sector eólico estadounidense elige a Gamesa como ejemplo de potencial económico y laboral
La apuesta de la Administración estadounidense por las energías renovables y la eólica en particular ha situado a este sector en el eje de la reactivación económica en este país.
Continue readingGE Launches New Interactive Site,
GE Launches New Interactive Site,, to Educate and Engage Public about How Smart Grid Will Help Change the World.
Continue readingAcciona construirá tres nuevos parques eólicos de 100 MW en en Australia
La eólica Acciona iniciará la construcción de tres parques eólicos en Australia con una potencia instalada de 100 megavatios. Australia tiene 50 parques eólicos, con una capacidad total de 1.306 MW.
Continue readingHybrid Electric Vehicles for Fleet Markets
Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) offer lower emissions and better fuel economy – between 10% and 40% higher than comparable internal combustion vehicles.
Continue readingEddie O?Connor wins Leadership award at Ernst & Young Global Renewable Energy Awards
Eddie O?Connor, founder and CEO of Mainstream Renewable Power, was presented with the first ever Leadership award at the annual Ernst & Young Global Renewable Energy Awards.
Continue readingJosé Manuel Entrecanales: ?La crisis no es excusa para retrasar las medidas frente al cambio climático?
El presidente de ACCIONA, junto con el grupo de líderes empresariales integrados en The Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change, ha entregado a Ban Ki-Moon, Secretario General de la ONU, un documento.
Continue readingScottishPower Renewables Begins Work At Arecleoch Wind farm
Construction work has officially started at one of Scotland’s largest windfarms – the 120MW 60 wind turbine project at Arecleoch near Barrhill, South Ayrshire.
Continue readingEl Consell de la Generalitat aprueba un nuevo decreto sobre energía eólica
El Govern aprueba el decreto que reducirá el tiempo de tramitación administrativa de los parques eólicos de cinco años a 18 meses y se establecen unas zonas de desarrollo eólico que se conocerán dentro de cuatro meses.
Continue readingThe US wind energy industry has chosen Gamesa as an example for the country’s economic and labor potential
The wager placed by the US Administration on renewable energies ? wind power in particular ? has placed this industry at the forefront of the US’s economic recovery.
Continue readingCatch the Wind enters into agreement with BreconRidge for outsourced production of Laser Wind Sensor
Catch the Wind serves the commercial market sector for laser based wind sensor systems, recognized as the “gold standard” in wind measurement.
Continue readingClipper Awarded £4.4 Million DECC Grant for Development of Offshore Wind Turbine Blades
Clipper announced that its subsidiary, Clipper Windpower Marine Limited, was awarded £4.4million under the ETF Offshore Wind Demonstration Call previously announced by the Department for Energy.
Continue readingU.S. Wind Energy: Sluggish in 2009, Better in 2010, Strong in 2012
After a record-setting year in 2008, wind power is on target for a mediocre 2009, but prospects for 2010 and beyond are extremely bright.
Continue readingWind Energy Market in India Through 2009-13
The total gross on-shore wind energy potential in India is estimated to be of 48,561 MW. The total installed capacity was 10,242.25 MW as on 31st March, 2009. With this installed capacity India raked 5th in the world.
Continue readingHoy se estrena The Age of Stupid
Los jefes de Estado, incluido Rodríguez Zapatero, retoman las negociaciones sobre el cambio climático en la Asamblea General de la ONU.
Continue readingLas Jornadas Técnicas de AEE ponen al día el estado del arte de la energía eólica
Del 22 al 24 de septiembre, en Wind PowerExpo, la Asociación
Empresarial Eólica organiza una edición más sus Jornadas Técnicas en las que el objetivo del sector eólico es mirar al futuro.
CanWEA applauds Ontario government plan for new transmission projects
20 new projects to create new jobs and integrate more renewable energy. The Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) applauds the Ontario government’s plans to proceed with major transmission system upgrades.
Continue readingLa feria líder de las energías solares en Pekín
International Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition 2009 (IPVSEE 2009) abrirá sus puertas el 18 de noviembre de 2009, en el World Trade Center en Pekín, China.
Continue readingEurope-wide Standardised Outdoor Tests for PV Modules
The Fraunhofer IWES in Kassel, Germany and the association DERlab e.V. are presenting for the first time Europe-wide standardised outdoor tests for PV modules at the world?s largest solar energy conference EU PVSEC.
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