When the global wind energy capacity approaches 1,000 GW worldwide and with an expected growth rate of 3% per year, we are faced with the following dilemma: If the market grows continuously, how is it possible that all the manufacturers lose money that only for the first three would be around €4,000 million in 2021, … Continue reading Wind power, nothing will ever be the same as before, or maybe it will
Continue readingTag Archives: Alberto Ceña
Wind turbines can survive hurricanes
A handful of wind turbines and wind power farms were exposed to the winds from Irene from Delaware to Maine and based on the information gathered here, all of them survived and are operating.
Continue readingAcciona Energy?s fourth wind farm in Canada enters service
Acciona Windpower has supplied the wind turbines. The 45 MW Lamèque wind energy park in New Brunswick province supplies energy equivalent to the consumption of 8,000 homes.
Continue readingMike Winkel appointed new CEO of E.ON Climate & Renewables
Renewable energy sources are a key element of the E.ON Group?s strategy. We are one of the world?s largest investors in offshore wind energy.
Continue readingSolar Millennium will sue for full repayment of ? 9 million
Solar Millennium is an international company with a focus on Concentrating Solar Power Plants. Concentrated solar energy projects are planned around the world with an overall capacity of more than 2,000 MW.
Continue readingABB helps harness urban wind energy
A standard ABB industrial regenerative drive enables the wind turbine to generate the maximum amount of wind power at all times and in rapidly changing wind speeds.
Continue readingStorage useful, rarely essential for wind power
Moreover, numerous studies as well as European wind integration experience have demonstrated that the U.S. could increase its use of wind energy by more than 10-fold without energy storage being needed.
Continue readingIntegrated photovoltaic project started transmitting power to the grid in Shanghai
The world’s largest stand alone integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) project started transmitting power to the grid in Shanghai on Sunday in another move showcasing China’s commitment to reduced carbon emissions.
Continue readingSolar thermal energy registered a slight decrease in Europe
Nonetheless, this 10% reduction follows an outstanding growth in 2008 (+60%) and is mainly due to the contraction of the German market, while the sector is still expanding in recently developing markets.
Continue readingAdvanced Battery Technologies Enters US Electric Vehicles Market
Advanced Battery Technologies, Inc. (ABAT) announced that it received an order to sell electric vehicles valued at approximately $1.1 million to US-based All-Power America.
Continue readingRenault-Nissan first European plant of lithium-ion batteries
Construction of the Renault-Nissan Alliance?s first European plant for the production of advanced lithium-ion batteries began today in Sunderland, UK.
Continue readingLa eólica aportó 3.803 M? al PIB de España en 2008
La contribución directa al PIB de las empresas eólicas fue de 2.311 M? (+ 16 %) y tuvo un efecto arrastre por valor de 1.492,4 M? (+ 8,2 %). Las exportaciones del sector eólico aumentaron hasta los 2.900 M?.
Continue readingLa Asociación Empresarial Eólica denuncia la incertidumbre reguladora
Según un estudio de Deloitte presentado hoy por la AEE, el empleo del sector en España podría reducirse en 2010 a 32.637 personas, frente a la media de 41.438 del pasado año, a causa de la crisis.
Continue readingEl vehículo eléctrico y la energía eólica por José Santamarta y Alberto Ceña
Alberto Ceña, y José Santamarta, analizan los retos y las ventajas energéticas y ambientales que supondrán los vehículos eléctricos.
Continue readingLa economía de la energía eólica por Alberto Ceña
Los diferentes marcos regulatorios de apoyo a las energías renovables, basados en la compra obligatoria de la electricidad a un precio determinado, han permitido la creciente presencia de la eólica.
Continue readingEl vehículo eléctrico es el futuro por Alberto Ceña y José Santamarta
El director técnico de la AEE, Alberto Ceña, y José Santamarta, analizan los retos y las ventajas energéticas y ambientales que supondrán los vehículos eléctricos.
Continue readingLa energía eólica de Galicia y el coche eléctrico por Luis Vázquez-Pena (AGN)
El sector eólico gallego y el futuro coche eléctrico son complementarios. Ambos se necesitan. Hay quien se atreve a decir que el uno sin el otro no tiene sentido. Quizá suene exagerado.
Continue readingEl coche eléctrico: el futuro del transporte, la energía y el medio ambiente por Alberto Ceña y José Santamarta
El director técnico de la AEE, Alberto Ceña, y José Santamarta, analizan los retos y las ventajas energéticas y ambientales que supondrá la electrificación del transporte.
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