Tag Archives: concentrated solar power

Storage for advanced concentrated solar power (CSP) plants

Ellen B. Stechel, a professor of practice in the School of Molecular Sciences and co director of ASU LightWorks®, received $3.3 million for a project to develop long term storage for advanced concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) plants. Year round, day and night, on demand power generation is the next solar frontier and essential to deep … Continue reading Storage for advanced concentrated solar power (CSP) plants

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Greece MINOS 50 MW Tower Concentrated Solar Power Project EPC contract awarded

On November 11, Athens time, Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is on a state visit to Greece, had face-to-face conversation with Greek Prime Minister Mizutakis in Athens. And after the meeting, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Mizotakis witnessed the text exchange of Greece MINOS 50 MW Concentrating Solar Power project financing cooperation agreement. Four … Continue reading Greece MINOS 50 MW Tower Concentrated Solar Power Project EPC contract awarded

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Abengoa reaches a new milestone in its first concentrated solar power project in China

The synchronization of the turbine of the Luneng Haixi 50 MW solar thermal power plant, located in the Qinghai province, was carried out. Abengoa (MCE: ABG/P:SM), the international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the infrastructures, energy and water sectors, has successfully carried out the synchronization of the turbine of the Luneng … Continue reading Abengoa reaches a new milestone in its first concentrated solar power project in China

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US Lists $30 Million in 2019 Concentrated Solar Power Research Awards

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced selections for $128 million in new projects to advance solar technologies. Through the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office, DOE will fund 75 innovative research projects that will lower solar electricity costs, while working to boost solar manufacturing, reduce red tape, and … Continue reading US Lists $30 Million in 2019 Concentrated Solar Power Research Awards

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TESS technology for concentrated solar power plants

Technologies developed by researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and partner organizations have won nine 2019 R&D 100 awards. The awards program, sometimes called the ?«Oscars of Innovation,» honors revolutionary ideas in science and technology and the innovators behind them. Argonne submitted 12 technologies, eight of which were named as … Continue reading TESS technology for concentrated solar power plants

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The Concentrated Solar Power triggers its production in Spain

Although installed capacity has been stagnant since 2013, Spain remains at the forefront of the world in the Concentrated Solar Power sector. In addition, the objectives for 2030 provide for the update of new GW and a resurgence of this technology, which is emerging as the best complement for photovoltaics. The concentrating solar power installed … Continue reading The Concentrated Solar Power triggers its production in Spain

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Egypt plans to establish $1.2bn concentrated solar power plantsEgypt plans to establish $1.2bn concentrated solar power plants

Smart Engineering Solutions, in cooperation with the Ministry of Military Production, plans to launch concentrated solar power (CSP) plants and manufacture components of this system in Egypt with investments of $ 1.2bn. Osama Kamal, company’s chairperson told Daily News Egypt that they started the selection process of solar thermal companies to cooperate with, “from a … Continue reading Egypt plans to establish $1.2bn concentrated solar power plantsEgypt plans to establish $1.2bn concentrated solar power plants

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Cerro Dominador Concentrated Solar Power developer plans larger plants in Chile

The ground-breaking 110 MW Cerro Dominador Concentrated Solar Power plant could start commissioning by end of 2019 and the fund-owned developer is studying larger projects at three other sites in northern Chile, Francisco Vizcaino, Project Director at Cerro Dominador, told New Energy Update. After a troubled start, Latin America’s first utility-scale Concentrating Solar Power plant … Continue reading Cerro Dominador Concentrated Solar Power developer plans larger plants in Chile

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Molten salt storage in concentrated solar power plants

The first thing you see of the Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Facility, and you can be miles away, is a light so bright you can’t look directly at it. This sits atop a 640-foot cement tower, rising from the flat, empty Nevada desert around the halfway point on the highway from Reno to Las Vegas. … Continue reading Molten salt storage in concentrated solar power plants

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Lebanon calls for bid on consultancy services for a concentrated solar power plant

The Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation(LCEC) has published a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consultancy Services for the Development of a Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plant in Hermel Lebanon.The project will have a capacity of at least 50 MW with 7.5 hours of storage. The consultant will be in charge of the preparatory studies for the concentrated solar … Continue reading Lebanon calls for bid on consultancy services for a concentrated solar power plant

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Concentrated Solar Power costs are expected to fall by 79% by 2022

Concentrating Solar Power costs have already plummeted by 47% compared to 2010. It is likely that costs will continue their downward trajectory thanks to economies of scale, deployment in locations with better solar resources and lower costs of capital, according to a study by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The International Renewable Energy Agency … Continue reading Concentrated Solar Power costs are expected to fall by 79% by 2022

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Refractaris leads the construction of solar shields for concentrated solar power

In the world, Córdoba now begins to sound due to other temperatures, those generated in the furnaces and solar shields manufactured by the company Refractaris, based in Montemayor, and which has become an international benchmark in the energy sector and solar thermal technology. In recent years, 95 percent of the existing solar shields in the … Continue reading Refractaris leads the construction of solar shields for concentrated solar power

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Albuquerque, New Mexico, Chosen for International Concentrated Solar Power Conference

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy announced that the United States will host the world’s biggest conference on concentrating solar power (CSP) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In October 2020, SolarPACES (Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems), a program of the International Energy Agency, will bring together researchers from around the world to talk about the … Continue reading Albuquerque, New Mexico, Chosen for International Concentrated Solar Power Conference

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POWERCHINA Gonghe 50 MW Tower Concentrated Solar Power Plant Synchronized to The Grid

At 9:02 a.m., September 19th, 2019, POWERCHINA Gonghe 50 MW Tower Concentrating Solar Power Plant was synchronized to the grid as scheduled. The project is co-invested by HYDROCHINA and POWERCHINA NORTHWEST ENGINEERING CO.,LTD, with the latter being the EPC contractor. As the technology provider and one of the subcontractors, SUPCON SOLAR is responsible for the … Continue reading POWERCHINA Gonghe 50 MW Tower Concentrated Solar Power Plant Synchronized to The Grid

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AfDB ‘s Solar Project Aims at Making Africa a Renewable Power House

When UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres launched the International Solar Alliance last October, he applauded the goal of mobilizing about $1 trillion dollars towards the deployment of some 1,000 gigawatts of solar energy by 2030. “It is clear,” he said, “that we are witnessing a global renewable energy revolution.” That revolution is also taking place under … Continue reading AfDB ‘s Solar Project Aims at Making Africa a Renewable Power House

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Concentrated Solar Power, renewable and storage, by Luis Crespo (Protermosolar)

Who has said that renewables will always need the support of fossil or nuclear technologies to provide the supply? It is true that the cheapest and most widespread technologies in Spain, such as wind energy and photovoltaic, do not have storage in centralized facilities (wind farms and photovoltaic plants) and that add some hour of … Continue reading Concentrated Solar Power, renewable and storage, by Luis Crespo (Protermosolar)

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6 Concentrated Solar Power projects with 350 MW capacity will be newly built in China this year

A group of large-scale commercial solar thermal power (CSP) plants have been developed and constructed in China since the official announcement of national first batch of 20 demonstration projects and FiT policy accordingly. Three of the Concentrated Solar Power demos were successfully connected to the grid by the end of last year in 2018: CGN … Continue reading 6 Concentrated Solar Power projects with 350 MW capacity will be newly built in China this year

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Concentrated Solar Power marks a historical record of generation with 4,269 GWh until September 2019 in Spain

This generation volume is 4.1% higher than the previous record of 2015 (4,102 GWh) and represents 2.67% of the total electricity generated in Spain in the first eight months of the year. In August, the solar thermal input reached about 9% of the generation in a timely manner, with a 2% contribution in the night … Continue reading Concentrated Solar Power marks a historical record of generation with 4,269 GWh until September 2019 in Spain

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Israel inaugurates Negev concentrated solar power plant

The concentrated solar power plant will contribute significantly to Israel’s target of making 10% of the country’s electricity supply renewable by 2020, and 17% by 2030, according to Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz. The largest renewable energy project in Israel, a vast concentrating solar thermal power plant near Ashalim in the Negev, was inaugurated on Thursday … Continue reading Israel inaugurates Negev concentrated solar power plant

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Request to connect 30,556 MW of wind power in Spain

The National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) provides for the year 2030 an installed capacity in the electricity sector of 157,000 MW, of which about 50,000 MW will be wind energy, 37,000 photovoltaic and 7,303 concentrated solar power. Red Eléctrica de España (REE) is processing applications for renewable projects for more than 142,000 megawatts … Continue reading Request to connect 30,556 MW of wind power in Spain

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