The waters off of Virginia are well-suited for offshore wind power production. Secretary Salazar included Virginia in his designation of offshore wind farm areas.
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Canadian Wind Energy Association – 26th Annual Conference and Exhibition ‘CanWEA 2010’
Canada’s largest renewable energy event begins next week, November 1 – 3, 2010. Canada is projected to end 2010 with 754 MW of new wind energy capacity.
Continue readingCODA Names Former General Electric Executive Mark Jamieson Chief Financial Officer
CODA Holdings has hired former General Electric (GE) and HD Supply executive Mark Jamieson as Chief Financial Officer.
Continue readingWind power in Morocco: International Power and Nareva JV to build Tarfaya wind farm
Morocco’s Office National de l’Electricite has selected the UK’s International Power and the local Nareva Holding to build the planned 300 MW Tarfaya wind farm.
Continue readingChisen Electric Corporation Plans to Launch Lithium Ion Battery Production
Plant C, which is expected to be completed within two years, will house a new business thrust for the Company – – the production and sale of lithium ion batteries, primarily for powering motors in a variety of electric vehicles.
Continue readingBarlovento, Veteran of 1,000 Wind Farm Assessments Uses Second Wind’s Triton
Spain’s Barlovento wind energy consultancy was an early booster of remote sensing in wind farm planning,
Continue readingAustralia turns to Renewable Energy
Renewable energy now supplies just 6 percent of power in Australia because the country has historically lacked the political and commercial will to pursue big renewable energy projects.
Continue readingWorld Bank approves $210m loan for Egypt wind energy
The Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank approved a grant to Egypt, a loan of $1.2 billion Egyptian pounds to support the development of wind power.
Continue readingCatch the Wind signed a six-month evaluation agreement with AWS Convergence Technologies
Through its WeatherBug(R) Professional division, AWS will install a Vindicator(R) LWS unit at a to be determined location to test its capabilities for wind speed measurement and wind profiling.
Continue readingCODA Automotive Announces ZEV Credit Sales
California-based electric vehicles start-up enters into agreements with major automotive manufacturers.
Continue readingWind power Gamesa: 762 MW and order backlog of 1,894 MW
Growth in international wind energy markets: Asia is now the company’s largest market, and foreign sales account for 89% of the total.
Continue readingWind and Solar Jobs for Ohio Calls for Renewable Energy Tax Reform
Ohio’s high tax rates on wind energy and solar power development are pushing jobs, revenue for local schools out of state.
Continue readingSion Power will accelerate the development of lithium-sulfur batteries for electric vehicles
Sion Power Corporation will accelerate the development of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries for powering electric vehicles more than 300 miles between charges.
Continue readingAutomóviles con biocombustibles contaminan tanto como los que usan gasolina
Los vehículos que funcionan con alcohol a base de caña de azúcar contaminan tanto como los que utilizan gasolina, según un estudio divulgado por el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente de Brasil.
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