Tag Archives: CSP

Qatar mulls concentrated solar power (CSP) plants

Qatar is considering setting up concentrated solar power plants, according to top officials at Qatar Petroleum (QP). Every square kilometer of land in Qatar is receiving solar energy equivalent to 1.5m barrels of crude oil in a year. The country also has an average daily sunshine time exceeding 9.5 hours and abundant free land space … Continue reading Qatar mulls concentrated solar power (CSP) plants

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California finds environmental impacts to birds from Hidden Hills CSP project

The Hidden Hills solar thermal power system will use BrightSource’s proven solar tower technology to produce clean, reliable solar electricity to more than 178,000 homes. Located in Inyo County, California, the two-unit power system will be built on approx. 3,280 acres and will create construction jobs for 2,300 workers. BrightSource’s solar plants avoid millions of … Continue reading California finds environmental impacts to birds from Hidden Hills CSP project

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Concentrating Solar Power With Storage Can Benefit the Grid

The evidence is piling up that when the real value of energy is considered, electricity generated from concentrating solar power (CSP) plants with storage capability outperforms solar photovoltaic. Rigorous research studies cited throughout The Economic and Reliability Benefits of CSP With Thermal Energy Storage: Recent Studies and Research Needs, a report from the CSP Alliance, … Continue reading Concentrating Solar Power With Storage Can Benefit the Grid

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2013: An important year for Concentrating Solar Power in the United States

Between now and early 2014 the total generation capacity of concentrated solar power in the United States will increase by more than 120%. Currently, 571.16MW of Concentrated Solar Power capacity has been commissioned in the United States, but with five large-scale projects scheduled for completion in 2013-14 this capacity is set to increase by 120%, a … Continue reading 2013: An important year for Concentrating Solar Power in the United States

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Concentrated Solar Power: Parabolic Trough or Solar Tower?

At the crux of this pursuit is understanding the associated costs of the CSP technologies themselves, whether it be Parabolic Trough, Solar Tower, Linear Fresnel or Dish Sterling. Delving even deeper, the ability to identify and successfully implement cost reduction strategies is dependent on understanding where exactly the bulk of costs currently rests within these … Continue reading Concentrated Solar Power: Parabolic Trough or Solar Tower?

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South African Concentrating Solar Power growth to take centre stage in Pretoria

CSP Today South Africa 2013 is only one week away, taking place on 4-5 February at the Southern Sun Hotel in Pretoria and over 150 of the most influential figures, innovators and hands-on experts have now confirmed to attend. The event will bring together leading experts throughout the global CSP industry and will tackle the … Continue reading South African Concentrating Solar Power growth to take centre stage in Pretoria

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Spain’s government reduces the Concentrating Solar Power revenue by more than 30%

The package of measures adopted by the spanish government in recent weeks, with the general tax of 7%, the elimination of the premium to the share attributable to gas, which in the investment analysis was considered “a whole” with the premium and the removal of the option premium pool + approved today by the Council … Continue reading Spain’s government reduces the Concentrating Solar Power revenue by more than 30%

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Concentrated solar thermal power makes comeback in southeastern California

Solar thermal seems to be making a comeback in the east county with three projects either in construction or in the pipeline. Back in 2009, when the federal government launched solar development in the Riverside East solar zone — 148,000 acres of desert land between Joshua Tree National Park and the city of Blythe — … Continue reading Concentrated solar thermal power makes comeback in southeastern California

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Energy storage projects highlight value of Concentrating Solar Power

In October 2012, the California Energy Commission approved a USD$1 million research grant for Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), a utility that serves two-thirds of the West Coast state, to demonstrate a compressed air energy storage (CAES) plant. CAES comes in a variety of flavours but essentially relies on the fact that air generates heat … Continue reading Energy storage projects highlight value of Concentrating Solar Power

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Jordan and Masdar agreement confirms belief in Concentrated Solar Power

Jordan has long been mooted as a future concentrated solar power stronghold – and a recent deal with Abu Dhabi based renewable energy company Masdar has verified their confidence in the technology. On 17 January 2013 it was announced on the CSP Today Global Tracker that Masdar signed an agreement with Jordan to secure the … Continue reading Jordan and Masdar agreement confirms belief in Concentrated Solar Power

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2013: An important year for Concentrating Solar Power in the United States

Between now and early 2014 the total generation capacity of concentrated solar power in the United States will increase by more than 120%. Currently, 571.16MW of Concentrated Solar Power capacity has been commissioned in the United States, but with five large-scale projects scheduled for completion in 2013-14 this capacity is set to increase by 120%, a … Continue reading 2013: An important year for Concentrating Solar Power in the United States

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ESTELA, the European Concentrated Solar Power Association based in Brussels, is looking for a Managing Director

Based in Brussels and responsible for the day-to-day running of the association, the Managing director will develop, in collaboration with the President and the ExCom members, the strategy and activities necessary to fulfill ESTELA´s objectives. ESTELA´s aim is to further the installation of solar thermal electric plants in Europe and countries of he Mediterranean region. … Continue reading ESTELA, the European Concentrated Solar Power Association based in Brussels, is looking for a Managing Director

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SolarReserve CSP Project Receives Unanimous Approval From California Public Utilities

SolarReserve, a U.S. developer of large-scale solar power projects, received unanimous approval from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to sell power from its 150-megawatt solar project under an amended 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). The Rice Solar Energy Project will be the first large-scale solar project in the … Continue reading SolarReserve CSP Project Receives Unanimous Approval From California Public Utilities

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PPA extends completion date of Rice Concentrating Solar Power project from 2013 to 2016

The Rice Solar Energy project will utilize molten salt thermal storage, which will allow it to produce electricity after the sun has set or during cloudy periods. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has approved an amended power purchase agreement (PPA) between Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E, San Francisco, California, US) and SolarReserve LLC … Continue reading PPA extends completion date of Rice Concentrating Solar Power project from 2013 to 2016

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Masdar’s Concentrated Solar Power Project

Shams One has been a a learning experience for Masdar – constant dust and sand have forced new innovations in cleaning and wind blocking technology, and the plummeting cost of photovoltaics may challenge the commercial viability of CSP. Nonetheless, Shams One will go online as scheduled in coming months and make a significant dent in … Continue reading Masdar’s Concentrated Solar Power Project

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Second phase of Ouarzazate Concentrating Solar Power complex

Masen launches request for qualification process to select potential sponsors to develop the next Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) phase of the Ouarzazate solar power complex. The Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (Masen) has announced on January, 23 the prequalification process for the second phase of the Ouarzazate CSP complex has kicked off. Masen is currently … Continue reading Second phase of Ouarzazate Concentrating Solar Power complex

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The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) holds 25 GW of renewable energy potential by 2020

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region holds 25 GW of renewable energy potential by 2020, the California-based international business consulting firm Frost & Sullivan estimated in its recently released white paper “The Future for ‘Green’ in the GCC’s Energy Sector”. The report focuses on the potential for renewables and smart grids in the GCC, noting … Continue reading The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) holds 25 GW of renewable energy potential by 2020

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More efficient concentrated solar power plants

At the Plataforma Solar de Almería in southern Spain, researchers from the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) have put a test facility for solar thermal power plants into operation. In the power plant, steam for generating power is produced directly in receiver tubes in the parabolic troughs. This avoids the … Continue reading More efficient concentrated solar power plants

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New innovations displayed at WFES

Entrepreneurs are gathering at the sixth edition of the World Future Energy Summit (WFES) to showcase the latest solutions and innovations in the global renewable energy sector. These solutions are designed to address the major challenges of the renewable energy industry, such as the improvement of energy efficiency. In total, about 58 products will be … Continue reading New innovations displayed at WFES

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The business of developing solar power projects in Africa

A consortium – led by US developer of utility-scale solar power projects, SolarReserve – successfully secured financing for two 75MW solar photovoltaic (PV) parks that are to be built near Bloemfontein and Kimberley in South Africa. The projects, predicted to be completed by mid-2014, are expected to power over 50,000 homes with renewable energy. Stephen … Continue reading The business of developing solar power projects in Africa

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