Tag Archives: EBRD

EBRD to lend up to 50 mln euros for Serbian wind energy

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said on Wednesday it would lend up to 50 million euros ($53 million) to Serbian company Electrawinds K-Wind to help finance one of the Balkan country’s first wind farms. The 104.5 megawatts (MW) project in the northern town of Kovacica, estimated to cost 185 million euros, will … Continue reading EBRD to lend up to 50 mln euros for Serbian wind energy

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EBRD providing €200 million for renewable energy sector in Kazakhstan

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Board of Directors has approved a financing framework of up to €200 million which will be used to finance primarily private renewable energy projects in Kazakhstan with a total generating capacity of 300 MW within the next five years, the Bank said on December 16. Such projects … Continue reading EBRD providing €200 million for renewable energy sector in Kazakhstan

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EBRD and Georgia sign initial agreement to work on first wind power plant

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Government of Georgia have signed a mandate letter setting out their readiness to cooperate on the first wind farm project in the country. The letter was signed during the 2015 EBRD Annual Meeting in Tbilisi in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of … Continue reading EBRD and Georgia sign initial agreement to work on first wind power plant

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Georgia’s first wind farm in spring 2016

With the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Georgia’s is preparing to create the country’s first wind farm and utilise its wind energy potential.   The EBRD is considering providing up to a $25 million USD senior loan to a special purpose vehicle established in Georgia for the sole purpose of … Continue reading Georgia’s first wind farm in spring 2016

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Turkey aims to add 20 GW of wind energy, 5 GW of solar energy and 1 GW of geothermal energy by 2023

Turkey aims to add 34 GW of hydropower, 20 GW of wind energy, 5 GW of solar energy, 1 GW of geothermal and 1 GW of biomass by 2023.   The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Turkish Energy Ministry are joining forces to develop a renewable-energy action plan, the bank said … Continue reading Turkey aims to add 20 GW of wind energy, 5 GW of solar energy and 1 GW of geothermal energy by 2023

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EBRD to support Yereymentau wind farm in Kazakhstan

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has agreed to provide financing for the 50MW wind farm in Yereymentau, Kazakhstan.       The bank will provide a €59.2m loan to Wind Power Yereymentau, a special-purpose vehicle incorporated in Kazakhstan. About €18m of concessional financing will be provided by the Clean Technology Fund (CTF). … Continue reading EBRD to support Yereymentau wind farm in Kazakhstan

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EBRD provides loan for 84 MW wind farm in Romania

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced it will provide Romania with a loan worth €57 million (US$78 million) to fund its eighth wind power project in the country.   LUKERG Renew, a 50-50 joint venture headed by Italy-based ERG Renew and LUKOIL-Ecoenergo in Russia, is responsible for the wind farm’s development. The … Continue reading EBRD provides loan for 84 MW wind farm in Romania

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EBRD considers financing first major wind farm in Kazakhstan

EBRD First Vice President Phil Bennett has reaffirmed the Bank’s support for the National Green Growth Plan announced by the government of Kazakhstan during his first visit to Kazakhstan for the Bank. During meetings with members of the Kazakh government and business community, Mr Bennett stressed that the EBRD remains committed to the country’s sustainable … Continue reading EBRD considers financing first major wind farm in Kazakhstan

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EBRD gets biggest wind farm in Turkey rolling

The biggest wind farm in Turkey, Enerjisa Bares Wind Power Plant in Balikesir in the west of the country, has started producing electricity. The plant, built with a €135 million syndicated loan arranged by the EBRD, will increase Turkey’s current wind power-generated electricity by about 8 per cent and help the country diversify away from … Continue reading EBRD gets biggest wind farm in Turkey rolling

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EBRD to finance its first solar power project in Ukraine

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is to provide a loan to Rengy Development to build and launch solar power facilities in Vinnytsia region. EBRD Principal Advisor for External Affairs Anton Usov told Interfax-Ukraine that this would be the first project on the financing of alternative energy such as solar energy in the … Continue reading EBRD to finance its first solar power project in Ukraine

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