Tag Archives: grids

Wind power overwhelmingly popular in New York

New York has some of the most ambitious clean energy goals in the country. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has proposed cutting carbon pollution by 80 percent in the coming decades, while the state is currently designing a 50 percent clean energy standard. To meet these targets, the Empire State will need to substantially increase its renewable … Continue reading Wind power overwhelmingly popular in New York

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Joe Bush, a former oil and gas man learns to love wind power

Joe Bush has been in the energy game for a long time. For a native Texan who spent years working in oil and gas accounting before becoming a rancher in Osage County, Okla., the sight of an oil derrick is as familiar as they come. But about 10 years ago, a wind energy developer approached … Continue reading Joe Bush, a former oil and gas man learns to love wind power

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Northeast Regional Forum on July 19 and 20

While states like Texas, Iowa and California often make headlines for their renewable energy progress, in many ways, it’s the Northeast that leads the way in clean power policy innovation. That’s why it’s an exciting time to attend the AWEA Northeast Regional Forum on July 19 and 20, where you can learn about the policies … Continue reading Northeast Regional Forum on July 19 and 20

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Mainland to Block Island undersea cable will link the first U.S. offshore wind farm to the Company’s power system

Bringing off shore, wind generated energy to the U.S. electric system for the first time took a major step forward this past weekend with the landing of a 20-mile undersea cable between the Rhode Island mainland and Block Island. “This significant milestone in developing renewable off shore wind generated energy is the result of years … Continue reading Mainland to Block Island undersea cable will link the first U.S. offshore wind farm to the Company’s power system

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Five key considerations when working with non-traditional energy buyers

John Powers leads the Strategic Renewables Division at Renewable Choice Energy and has helped corporate, industrial, and institutional (C&I) clients achieve their renewable energy goals for over 12 years. This is the second in a 4-part series of blogs on the explosive renewable growth currently underway in the commercial & industrial market sector. Everyone can … Continue reading Five key considerations when working with non-traditional energy buyers

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Good stewardship is an American duty

Earth Day is one of the best times of the year to remember responsible environmental stewardship appeals to all Americans. Teddy Roosevelt helped preserve the country’s natural landscapes by establishing the national parks system. Presidents Nixon and George H. Bush recognized a world leader like the U.S. should guarantee clean water and air for its … Continue reading Good stewardship is an American duty

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Creating a cleaner future

Earth Day is a good time for a refresher on all of the ways wind power helps preserve our natural resources while cleaning the environment. From water savings to smog reduction, there are a number of ways emission-free wind energy helps us practice good stewardship. Perhaps most important, wind power is the biggest, fastest, cheapest … Continue reading Creating a cleaner future

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Wind turbines use cutting-edge technology to create clean energy

SaveOnEnergy has created an animated infographic that explains just how it’s done. Although wind turbines may seem simple from the outside, they’re actually complicated machines that use advanced technology to create clean, affordable energy. Take a look for a better understanding.   Graphic courtesy of Save on Energy. Note that since SaveOnEnergy created their infographic, … Continue reading Wind turbines use cutting-edge technology to create clean energy

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The remarkable resurgence of renewable portfolio standards

Not long ago, the Clean Power Plan and the rise of carbon markets had some industry experts wondering whether Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) policies were still relevant. They were facing stiff resistance in many states, with threats of freezes and rollbacks looming.  Some wondered whether the policy structures themselves, which require specific, increasing proportions of … Continue reading The remarkable resurgence of renewable portfolio standards

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Bigger, better WINDPOWER reflects industry growth

Mark Bakke is AWEA’s Manager of Member Relations and Exhibitions. As the U.S. wind industry continues to mature and become a major part of America’s electricity mix, WINDPOWER needs to advance with the times. That’s why WINDPOWER 2016 in New Orleans, May 23-26, is scheduled to be bigger and better than last year. This year … Continue reading Bigger, better WINDPOWER reflects industry growth

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Energy bill offers opportunity to attract new investment, deliver greater consumer savings

American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) CEO Tom Kiernan issued the following statement today on the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2016 (S. 2012), also known as the Energy Bill. Numerous amendments have been proposed to the Energy Bill. Of these amendments, Amendment 3311, introduced by Sen. John Boozman (R-Ark.), would hinder upgrades strengthening the nation’s … Continue reading Energy bill offers opportunity to attract new investment, deliver greater consumer savings

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The value of Kansas wind energy

Being a windy state comes with an increased risk of prairie fires and downed power lines. But the natural resource’s abundance has its advantages as well, with the planned Cimarron Bend wind farm and nine other pending projects newly demonstrating how such clean energy can answer market demand while helping out Kansas’ economy. When the … Continue reading The value of Kansas wind energy

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MidAmerican Energy plans largest economic development project in Iowa history

MidAmerican Energy has announced plans to build one of the largest wind farms in U.S. history, a 2,000 megawatt (MW) project called Wind XI that would substantially increase revenue streams for communities across Iowa. Big projects equal big benefits The company is investing $3.6 billion in Wind XI, making it the largest economic development project … Continue reading MidAmerican Energy plans largest economic development project in Iowa history

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Using cutting-edge technology to maximize asset value

Kyle O’Connor is the CEO of kWantera, a company that uses advanced predictive analytics and machine learning to identify the optimal price, time and location at which to buy, sell or consume power in deregulated markets across the world. Kyle runs kWantera as its CEO, managing the strategic direction and growth in addition to its … Continue reading Using cutting-edge technology to maximize asset value

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Comparing American and European wind power is apples to oranges

The clear success of wind energy in the U.S., which leads the world in wind energy production, has forced critics to attack the renewable record of other countries because the evidence against them is so strong here. Thanks to America’s world-class resources, wind energy is now the lowest-cost source of new electricity generation in the … Continue reading Comparing American and European wind power is apples to oranges

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The public health benefits of wind energy

Julie Potyraj spent several years working with community health and development programs in rural Zambia. Currently, she is the community manager for MPH@GW, the online Master of Public Health program offered by the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University. She is also an MPH@GW student focusing on global health and … Continue reading The public health benefits of wind energy

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Top nine wind energy trends of 2015

April 12, 2016 Today, AWEA released its U.S. Wind Industry Annual Market Report, Year Ending 2015, which showcases strong continued growth throughout the year. 2015 was one of the most successful years ever for U.S. wind power. The industry installed the third most new wind power capacity in history, second only to 2009 and 2012. Wind … Continue reading Top nine wind energy trends of 2015

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North America could add 75 GW of wind power by 2025

According to MAKE’s latest wind power outlook for North America, unprecedented long-term policy certainty in the U.S., along with a new climate-conscious government in Canada, will enable nearly 75 GW of total wind power growth in the region from 2016 to 2025. The production tax credit (PTC) in the U.S. was extended in December 2015 … Continue reading North America could add 75 GW of wind power by 2025

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Big brands buy wind power

Any time a new market becomes available, it’s usually good news for business. That was certainly the case for wind power in 2015, as major brands and other emerging non-utility buyers increasingly purchased wind to meet their energy needs. This gives the U.S. wind industry a new arena of customers in addition to traditional utility … Continue reading Big brands buy wind power

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Wind power through a photographer’s lens

Bryan Steiff  is a Santa Fe, New Mexico based photographer. He completed his BFA in photography at the Ohio State University and an MFA in photography from Columbia College Chicago. He has served as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Photography at Columbia College Chicago and was an artist-in-residence at the University of … Continue reading Wind power through a photographer’s lens

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