Tag Archives: Hexicon

2.5 GW Mareld Floating Offshore Wind Farm in Sweden Granted Natura 2000 Permit

Freja Offshore, a joint venture owned by Hexicon and Mainstream Renewable Power, has received the Natura 2000 permit for the Mareld offshore wind farm, located approximately 40 kilometres west of Lysekil, within Sweden’s exclusive economic zone. The County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland has granted a Natura 2000 permit for Freja Offshore’s Mareld offshore wind … Continue reading 2.5 GW Mareld Floating Offshore Wind Farm in Sweden Granted Natura 2000 Permit

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KEPCO signs transmission deals for two floating wind power projects off South Korea (2.2 GW)

Two floating offshore wind projects to be developed in South Korea and totalling 2,250 MW have secured a transmission service agreement (TSA) with Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO). The Swedish renewable company Hexicon AB has signed a TSA with KEPCO for its 1,125 MW MunmuBaram floating offshore wind project, while developers Mainstream Renewable Power and Ocean Winds have … Continue reading KEPCO signs transmission deals for two floating wind power projects off South Korea (2.2 GW)

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2.5 GW Mareld Floating Offshore Wind farm in Sweden receives positive recommendation from County Board

The County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland has proposed that the Government approve Freja Offshore’s application to build the Mareld floating offshore wind farm, subject to certain adaptations. Freja Offshore welcomes the announcement, which is a crucial step in delivering the wind farm into commercial operation. Freja Offshore applied to build the 2.5 GW Mareld … Continue reading 2.5 GW Mareld Floating Offshore Wind farm in Sweden receives positive recommendation from County Board

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Mainstream Renewable Power’s JV Freja Offshore applies for 2.5 GW offshore wind permit on Sweden’s east coast

Freja Offshore, a 50-50 joint venture between Mainstream Renewable Power (“Mainstream”) and Hexicon, has submitted a planning application for the up-to 2.5 GW Dyning floating offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea, located in Sweden’s economic zone, approximately 45 kilometers southeast of Oxelösund. Dyning will have the potential to deliver up to 10 TWh of … Continue reading Mainstream Renewable Power’s JV Freja Offshore applies for 2.5 GW offshore wind permit on Sweden’s east coast

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Mainstream and Hexicon seeks to build gigawatt-scale floating wind farm off Sweden

Freja Offshore, a joint venture between Aker Horizons-controlled Mainstream Renewable Power and Stockholm-based floating wind developer Hexicon, has submitted plans for another 2.5 GW floating wind power in Swedish waters. The wind farm called Dyning will be able to deliver 10 TWh annually which can supply more than the entire energy need of the regions … Continue reading Mainstream and Hexicon seeks to build gigawatt-scale floating wind farm off Sweden

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Hexicon’s joint venture Freja Offshore is submitting application for the 2,500 MW Mareld Floating Wind Farm in Sweden

Hexicon, an early project-developer in floating wind and a technology provider, is proud to announce that its joint venture with Mainstream Renewable Power, Freja Offshore, has submitted an application for a floating wind farm called Mareld on the West Coast of Sweden. Mareld has the potential to deliver 9-12 TWh annually, which corresponds to over … Continue reading Hexicon’s joint venture Freja Offshore is submitting application for the 2,500 MW Mareld Floating Wind Farm in Sweden

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Hexicon and EGI bundle their expertise to optimise floating wind farm transmission connections

Hexicon and Elia Grid International (EGI) join forces to connect the wind energy produced by Floating Offshore Windfarms (FOW) to the onshore grid, and that on a global scale. The two companies will develop concepts and projects to integrate large scale floating offshore wind parks into the onshore power systems. The 5-year long cooperation consists … Continue reading Hexicon and EGI bundle their expertise to optimise floating wind farm transmission connections

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New Joint Venture for floating wind power development in Greece

Hexicon has created a Joint Venture (JV) called; Hexicon Power SA, in Greece with the local company; EAMAA. This is a first step to start the development of floating offshore wind projects off the coast of Greece. A new legal framework for offshore wind is expected this year and Hexicon is now set to establish … Continue reading New Joint Venture for floating wind power development in Greece

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Hexicon submits Dounreay Trì application

HiDef is pleased to confirm that it has played a major role in assessing the potential environmental effects of Hexicon AB’s Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration (known as Dounreay Trì) project, by undertaking the ornithological impact assessment chapter of the Environmental Statement (ES) and working with SMRU Limited, who undertook the marine mammal impact assessment … Continue reading Hexicon submits Dounreay Trì application

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RES assists floating wind farm to hit first milestone

RES has assisted Hexicon to achieve its recent submission of a scoping report for the Dounreay Trì floating wind demonstration project by providing an array of development services. Since October 2014, RES has provided site selection, development, wind analysis and metocean services in support of the project. Jim Sandon, COO Offshore at RES commented: “RES … Continue reading RES assists floating wind farm to hit first milestone

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Offshore wind power project on Malta continues as planned

Hexicon AB, a Swedish clean tech company specializing in the design of off-shore platforms for wind and wave power, is together with local subsidiary Hexicon Malta Ltd continuing the development of a renewable energy solution for Malta in close cooperation with Maltese authorities. The project is independent of and thereby unaffected by the European Commission’s … Continue reading Offshore wind power project on Malta continues as planned

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