Tag Archives: hibridación

Spain approves 9 photovoltaic (PV) and hybrid projects for 764 MW, including 240 MW of storage in the fourth week of November

Declaration of public utility (BOE) of the Ququima photovoltaic plant with 231.68 MW of installed capacity, its evacuation infrastructure and the Ququima 30/220 kV electrical transformer substation (SET), located in the municipalities of Baza and Caniles (Granada), promoted by Aquila Clean Energy. Prior administrative authorisation (BOE) for the Peñaflor III and Peñaflor IV photovoltaic installations, … Continue reading Spain approves 9 photovoltaic (PV) and hybrid projects for 764 MW, including 240 MW of storage in the fourth week of November

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Spain approves 10 photovoltaic, hybridisation and 210 MW storage projects in the third week of November

The Official State Gazette for the third week of November contains announcements corresponding to 10 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects for 320 MW, including 100 MW belonging to Viga Renovables.Resolution formulating the report determining the environmental impact of the 36 MW El Almendro Photovoltaic Solar Park project, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Huelva, … Continue reading Spain approves 10 photovoltaic, hybridisation and 210 MW storage projects in the third week of November

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Spain approves 3 GW for 38 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects during October

The Official State Gazette contains announcements for October of 38 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects, and 4 rejected projects totalling 430 MW.Report determining the environmental impact of the 54.6 MW Los Vientos I photovoltaic solar plant project, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Zaragoza, promoted by Sydis. Prior administrative authorisation for modifications and administrative … Continue reading Spain approves 3 GW for 38 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects during October

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Spain approves 583 MW for 9 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects in the last week of October

The Official State Gazette contains announcements corresponding to the last week of October of 9 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects for 583 MW, including 183.75 from Prodiel.Application for modification of the prior administrative and construction authorisation for the Envatios XXV photovoltaic park of 183.75 MW, and its evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of Valdenuño Fernández, … Continue reading Spain approves 583 MW for 9 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects in the last week of October

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8 projects with photovoltaics and hybridization in the second week of October in Spain

Prior administrative authorization for the Elvira Solar photovoltaic installation of 168 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipalities of Carmona, Mairena del Alcor and Alcalá de Guadaíra (Seville), promoted by Chint Solar. Request for declaration of public utility for the Volateo Solar photovoltaic plant of 138.23 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipalities … Continue reading 8 projects with photovoltaics and hybridization in the second week of October in Spain

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Repowering and hybridization: the key to new energy efficiency

Plant hybridization is the new frontier of repowering and it entails the integration of different types of technology within the same site. In Italy this process has already seen the implementation of pioneering projects such as those at Venaus. In order to increase energy production, it isn’t always necessary to build a new power plant … Continue reading Repowering and hybridization: the key to new energy efficiency

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Spain authorises six PV and hybrid projects of 465 MW in the first week of September, including 140 MW from Solaria

Application for the declaration of public utility of the Maira Beta Group Photovoltaic Plant of 140.127 MW and its evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of La Vid de Bureba, Berzosa de Bureba, Vileña, Grisaleña, Llano de Bureba, Los Barrios de Bureba, Quintanilla San García, Valluércanes, Briviesca, Vallarta de Bureba, Valle de Tobalina, Busto de … Continue reading Spain authorises six PV and hybrid projects of 465 MW in the first week of September, including 140 MW from Solaria

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Spain authorises 1.84 GW of photovoltaic and hybridisation, including 519 MW from Solaria

The Official State Gazette of the last week of August contains announcements corresponding to 25 photovoltaic projects for 1.84 GW, including 346 MW from Cepsa and 345 MW from Prodiel. Solaria plans 11 plants in Toledo.Request for prior administrative authorisation and construction and declaration and recognition, specifically, of public utility, of the project to build … Continue reading Spain authorises 1.84 GW of photovoltaic and hybridisation, including 519 MW from Solaria

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Iberdrola to install 700 MW of photovoltaic and hybridisation projects in Spain

The total investment amount for the five photovoltaic and hybridisation projects that Iberdrola is developing in the provinces of Huelva, Valencia, Valladolid and Toledo is 380 million euros.Last July, Iberdrola obtained authorisation for the construction of 700 MW of five photovoltaic and hybridisation projects in the provinces of Huelva, Valencia, Valladolid and Toledo. The total … Continue reading Iberdrola to install 700 MW of photovoltaic and hybridisation projects in Spain

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1.1 GW of photovoltaics with hybridization of wind energy are authorized in Spain

The Official State Gazette of the last week includes announcements corresponding to projects for 1 GW, including 184 MW from TotalEnergies.Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, by which Progressum Energy is granted prior administrative authorization for the modifications and construction for the Serna I Solar photovoltaic plant with 107.79 MW of … Continue reading 1.1 GW of photovoltaics with hybridization of wind energy are authorized in Spain

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Spain authorizes 1 GW, with hybridization of wind power and photovoltaic energy

The Official State Gazette includes announcements corresponding to projects for 1 GW, including two plants of 93 MW and 63 MW from Viridi re, and another 150 MW plant from M Renewables.The Official State Gazette includes announcements corresponding to projects for 1 GW, including two plants of 93 MW and 63 MW from Viridi re, … Continue reading Spain authorizes 1 GW, with hybridization of wind power and photovoltaic energy

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VERBUND AG: Acquisition of operative wind power plants in Spain with a capacity of 257 MW and potential for hybridisation and repowering

VERBUND AG hereby announces the acquisition of operative wind power plants in Spain with a total capacity of 257 MW and potential for hybridisation and repowering from EDP Renewables Europe, S.L.U. (“EDPR”) for an enterprise value of approx. €0.46bn. VERBUND Green Power GmbH will acquire 100% of the shares in Viesgo Renovables S.L. and Viesgo Europa S.L. … Continue reading VERBUND AG: Acquisition of operative wind power plants in Spain with a capacity of 257 MW and potential for hybridisation and repowering

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