Tag Archives: híbridación

Spain approves 9 photovoltaic, hybrid and 200 MW storage projects in the second week of November

The Official State Gazette for the second week of November contains the announcements corresponding to 9 photovoltaic and hybrid projects for 802.58 MW, of which 311.2 MW are from Iberdrola.Environmental impact statement for the El Horizonte photovoltaic solar plant project, of 51.985 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Alicante, promoted by Viridi. … Continue reading Spain approves 9 photovoltaic, hybrid and 200 MW storage projects in the second week of November

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Spain approves 2.56 GW for 32 photovoltaic and hybrid wind and battery projects (BESS) in September

The Official State Gazette contains announcements for the month of September of 32 photovoltaic and hybrid wind and battery projects (BESS).Application for the declaration of public utility of the Maira Beta Group Photovoltaic Plant of 140.127 MW and its evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of La Vid de Bureba, Berzosa de Bureba, Vileña, Grisaleña, … Continue reading Spain approves 2.56 GW for 32 photovoltaic and hybrid wind and battery projects (BESS) in September

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