Tag Archives: transición energética

Giant batteries to store wind energy and photovoltaic solar power can speed up South Africa’s energy transition

South Africa is at a pivotal moment in its energy transition: trying to decarbonise its economy (move away from coal) and make sure that everyone has access to reliable and affordable energy. Storage of renewable energy is very important for this transition. Solar and wind power are not available all the time. To keep the … Continue reading Giant batteries to store wind energy and photovoltaic solar power can speed up South Africa’s energy transition

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What Net Zero is and why it’s important to measure sustainability in the energy transition

Minimizing the impact of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions on the environment and using offsetting measures to achieve balance in the atmosphere: that’s Net Zero, a key goal to be achieved by 2050. Here’s how to do it, including the use of performance indices to measure progress: that’s the commitment of the Global Alliance … Continue reading What Net Zero is and why it’s important to measure sustainability in the energy transition

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China to double wind and solar capacity by 2025, leading the energy transition

China is expected to double its wind and solar capacity by 2025, and achieve the goal of producing 1,200 gigawatts (GW) of solar and wind energy generation by 2030, five years ahead of schedule, a new report has found. Such an outstanding fact prompts reflections on the main trends in the development of the Chinese … Continue reading China to double wind and solar capacity by 2025, leading the energy transition

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Iberdrola signs a €1,000 million loan with the EIB to accelerate the energy transition in Europe

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Iberdrola have signed a new financing agreement worth €1 billion to fast forward the energy transition in Europe by building an extensive network of 19 solar power plants and 3 onshore wind farms in Spain, Portugal and Germany.  With a total installed capacity of 2.2 GW, the projects envisage … Continue reading Iberdrola signs a €1,000 million loan with the EIB to accelerate the energy transition in Europe

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Iberdrola invests 3,000 million euros in Australia to lead the energy transition

The Chairman of Iberdrola has held a meeting with the Premier of the State of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, and the Minister for Energy, Environment, Climate Action and Solar Homes, Lilly D’Ambrosio. The company currently has a portfolio of more than 2,000 MW in the region and expects to reach 4,000 MW in the coming years.  … Continue reading Iberdrola invests 3,000 million euros in Australia to lead the energy transition

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The energy transition: EGP and IRENA will collaborate on renewables and green hydrogen

Head of EGP Salvatore Bernabei and the Director-General of the intergovernmental agency IRENA, Francesco La Camera, have signed an agreement to cooperate from a technological, regulatory and financial perspective on the energy transition. Enel Green Power and IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency, have signed a partnership agreement aimed specifically at accelerating the energy transition. … Continue reading The energy transition: EGP and IRENA will collaborate on renewables and green hydrogen

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How Artificial Intelligence can accelerate the energy transition

A new white paper published by the World Economic Forum explains in detail the immense of potential of Artificial Intelligence in the energy transition. The scenario it describes is exciting, but a lot of work needs to be done. Last month saw the publication of a white paper by the World Economic Forum, in collaboration … Continue reading How Artificial Intelligence can accelerate the energy transition

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The Spanish Wind Energy Association joins the manifesto for a sustainable economic recovery

3549/5000in More than 1,300 personalities from politics, businessmen, unions, NGOs, scientists and civil society have signed a manifesto showing their support for a recovery plan for the Spanish economy that is sustainable. The Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) has joined this initiative. “We support a recovery towards a more sustainable and robust economy, and demand … Continue reading The Spanish Wind Energy Association joins the manifesto for a sustainable economic recovery

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Energy Transformation Can Create More than 40m Jobs in Renewable Energy

Renewable energy could employ more than 40 million people by 2050 under the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) climate safe energy path, according to a report published by the Agency during its 10th Assembly. The report finds that total energy sector employment can reach 100 million by 2050, up from around 58 million today should … Continue reading Energy Transformation Can Create More than 40m Jobs in Renewable Energy

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Albacete is the province with the most wind energy generation in Spain

Albacete was in 2018 the Spanish province that produced the most electricity thanks to wind turbines, according to data from Red Eléctrica de España (REE). With almost 4.5 TWh generated with the 1,995 MW of wind power installed, Albacete revalidated the title of the most wind farm generating province in 2018 ahead of Burgos (4.2 … Continue reading Albacete is the province with the most wind energy generation in Spain

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