Category Archives: Other renewables

China leads global renewables race with record-breaking 230 GW installations in 2023

Currently on target to reach a record-breaking 230 gigawatts (GW) of wind and solar installations this year, China leads the global renewables market. This is more than double the number of US and Europe installations combined, according to latest report ‘How China became the global renewables leader’ by Wood Mackenzie. Wind and solar project investment … Continue reading China leads global renewables race with record-breaking 230 GW installations in 2023

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Solar and wind power placed MIBEL at the lowest prices in EuropeSolar and wind power

In the fourth week of November, MIBEL registered the lowest prices among the main European markets thanks to solar and wind energy. In the other markets, prices were in general higher than in the previous week, although wind energy helped to push prices below €100/MWh over the weekend. Photovoltaic energy registered the production record for … Continue reading Solar and wind power placed MIBEL at the lowest prices in EuropeSolar and wind power

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What does the world need from COP28?

The UN released its Emissions Gap Report on Monday. Released ahead of the 28th annual conference of the parties in Dubai, which begins on the 30th of November, it highlights the need for a 42% reduction in emissions to achieve the 1.5C degree warming limit of the Paris Agreement. Antònio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United … Continue reading What does the world need from COP28?

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Latest update on clean energy technology manufacturing shows a mixed outlook for key technologies

The pipeline of clean energy technology manufacturing projects remains vibrant, with significant additions in the past six months, though the average rate of new capacity announcements slowed relative to the pace set during the first quarter of the year, according to the latest update from the IEA’s Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) series Released today, the … Continue reading Latest update on clean energy technology manufacturing shows a mixed outlook for key technologies

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Boosting renewable energies in Spain means strategic opportunities for energy storage companies

Energy storage is one of the vectors of the energy transition and a necessary partner in the deployment of renewable energies. In Spain, the regulatory framework for storage is expected to be approved in 2024 or early 2025. This situation represents a window of opportunity for companies that want to lead the sector or find … Continue reading Boosting renewable energies in Spain means strategic opportunities for energy storage companies

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China’s installed renewable energy capacity surges in Jan.-Oct.

China’s installed capacity of clean energy surged in the first 10 months of the year amid the country’s pursuit of green development. By the end of October, the installed capacity of solar power in the country expanded 47 percent year on year to 540 million kilowatts, while that of wind power stood at about 400 … Continue reading China’s installed renewable energy capacity surges in Jan.-Oct.

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Naturgy launches a wind power and photovoltaic plant in Extremadura that will supply renewable energy to 55,000 homes

The Merengue II wind farm is the company’s second in the region and the Puerta del Jerte photovoltaic plant, the second of this technology.The two new facilities, located in the Cáceres municipality of Plasencia, have allowed the creation of more than 860 direct and indirect jobs and will produce energy equivalent to the annual electricity … Continue reading Naturgy launches a wind power and photovoltaic plant in Extremadura that will supply renewable energy to 55,000 homes

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Development of Mauritania’s high-quality renewable resources could catalyse the country’s efforts to boost sustainable economic growth

The sustainable development of Mauritania’s high-quality wind and solar resources could serve as a catalyst for the country to achieve its vision of strong and inclusive economic growth, according to a new IEA report published today. Renewable Energy Opportunities for Mauritania finds that the country could deploy these resources at scale to generate low-cost renewable … Continue reading Development of Mauritania’s high-quality renewable resources could catalyse the country’s efforts to boost sustainable economic growth

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The wind power and solar energy produced in 2023 in Spain already exceeds that of all of last year

On Friday, November 17, the national electricity system reached a total of 116,844 GWh of renewable generation in the accumulated year of 2023, thus exceeding the figure for all of 2022. Renewables have exceeded their production for the entire year 2022 in Spain in November, according to data published daily by Red Eléctrica, a Redeia … Continue reading The wind power and solar energy produced in 2023 in Spain already exceeds that of all of last year

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Records of photovoltaic energy production for a month of November in Spain and wind energy production in Germany

During the weekdays of the third week of November, prices in the main European electricity markets registered an upward trend. However, over the weekend, the combination of lower demand and high renewable energy production helped to bring prices down. On the 19th, Spain registered the solar photovoltaic energy production record for a month of November … Continue reading Records of photovoltaic energy production for a month of November in Spain and wind energy production in Germany

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Albedo, the unknown: a green boost for photovoltaic systems

Photovoltaic systems are increasingly using bifacial modules that allow sunlight to be harnessed on both the front and back sides of the module, collecting not only direct radiation but also reflected radiation from the ground, thus increasing electricity production. Among the parameters that determine the performance of photovoltaic panels – such as the location of the … Continue reading Albedo, the unknown: a green boost for photovoltaic systems

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European Parliament must vote to boost solar and wind energy tech made in Europe

On Tuesday the European Parliament will vote on its position for the negotiations with European Commission and Member States on the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA). MEP Christian Ehler, drafting the Parliament’s position, has put forward a proposal which supports a strong European wind industry to deliver on Europe’s climate and energy security objectives in the … Continue reading European Parliament must vote to boost solar and wind energy tech made in Europe

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Portugal was supplied only with wind power, hydro or solar energy for six days in a row

From household electrical appliances to factories used in industry, everything ran on wind energy, hydro or solar power for six days in a row. Between 4:00 a.m. on October 31 and 9:00 a.m. As of November 6, the nation of ten million people relied solely on renewable energy, as 1,102 GWh were generated.This exceeded national … Continue reading Portugal was supplied only with wind power, hydro or solar energy for six days in a row

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Future-oriented climate planning led to China prioritizing Concentrated Solar Power

Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the first batch of methodologies for four voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects: afforestation carbon sequestration, grid-connected solar thermal power generation, grid-connected offshore wind power generation, and mangrove forest construction. Solar energy, as an inexhaustible and renewable energy source on Earth, is commonly associated with photovoltaic power … Continue reading Future-oriented climate planning led to China prioritizing Concentrated Solar Power

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Centralized wind power and solar will add 7 GW of installed capacity in 2023 alone in Brazil

Only Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia and Minas Gerais have 5.7 GW installed in the year.In October, Brazil approached 8 gigawatts (GW) in generation projects opened in 2023, concluding the month with an expansion of 7,799.1 megawatts (MW) registered with the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) throughout the year. anus. Two sources, centralized wind and … Continue reading Centralized wind power and solar will add 7 GW of installed capacity in 2023 alone in Brazil

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Repsol partners with Pontegadea on a wind power and photovoltaic energy portfolio

The wind farms are located in Aragón, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalusia. In total: 398 MW of energy and 220 MW of photovoltaics.Repsol is advancing its strategy of bringing in partners to achieve objectives and maximize the return on its operations. It has once again partnered with the investment group Pontegadea, giving it … Continue reading Repsol partners with Pontegadea on a wind power and photovoltaic energy portfolio

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Clean technologies are driving job growth in the energy sector, but skills shortages are an increasing concern

The number of jobs in the global energy sector rose in 2022 as growing investment in clean energy technologies drove demand for new workers in every region of the world, according to a new IEA report that offers a benchmark for employment across all energy industries. The second edition of the World Energy Employment report, which is … Continue reading Clean technologies are driving job growth in the energy sector, but skills shortages are an increasing concern

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Asian economies must ramp up wind and solar power to keep global warming under 1.5C

To meet the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), nine major Asian economies must increase the share of electricity they get from renewable energy from the current 6% to at least 50% by 2030, according to a report by a German thinktank released Wednesday. Nearly a third of that … Continue reading Asian economies must ramp up wind and solar power to keep global warming under 1.5C

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Implementing Regulations Can Turn Honduras’ Renewables Ambition into Reality

With abundant renewable energy potential and ambitious target to achieve 80 per cent of renewables share in the power generation by 2038, Honduras is already on the right path to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. The Renewables Readiness Assessment: Honduras by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) identifies the need to have current energy … Continue reading Implementing Regulations Can Turn Honduras’ Renewables Ambition into Reality

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Falling wind power production in the second week of November leads to a price recovery in European electricity markets

In the second week of November, electricity market prices recovered from the previous week. For the third consecutive week, MIBEL was the market with the lowest weekly average. The increase in demand and the fall in wind energy production after the high levels at the end of October and the beginning of November favored the … Continue reading Falling wind power production in the second week of November leads to a price recovery in European electricity markets

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