Category Archives: Other renewables

Innovation Can Pave the Way to Decarbonise High-temperature Heat in Industries

At this stage of the race toward the decarbonisation of our energy systems by 2050 we all agree that electricity is the main vector of the energy transition. The reason for that are threefold; first, wind and solar technologies have experienced a rapid cost reduction that make them competitive today; second, electricity is a high … Continue reading Innovation Can Pave the Way to Decarbonise High-temperature Heat in Industries

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September starts with lower prices of gas and European electricity markets

The fall in gas prices during the first week of September, after the rebound in August, accompanied by the increase in photovoltaic energy production, relaxed prices in most European electricity markets. However, the fall in wind and solar energy production in the Iberian Peninsula contributed to the rise in prices in the MIBEL market. It … Continue reading September starts with lower prices of gas and European electricity markets

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IEA clean energy equipment price index

In 2021 and 2022 a barrage of factors pushed up prices of clean energy equipment. The cost of inputs, such as critical minerals, soared. Logistical problems prevented shipments from clearing ports or arriving to destination on time. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 upended energy trade patterns as most of the world, and Europe … Continue reading IEA clean energy equipment price index

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China’s solar power capacity to reach 1,000 GW by 2026

China’s installed solar capacity will double to 1,000 gigawatts (GW) by the end of 2026 as the world’s second-largest economy continues to ramp up investment in renewables, energy research firm Rystad Energy wrote in a note published on Monday. Beijing had set a goal of boosting the country’s installed capacity of wind and solar power … Continue reading China’s solar power capacity to reach 1,000 GW by 2026

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Ørsted enters its first UK solar project

Ørsted has entered its first solar project in the UK. One Earth Solar Farm is a proposed 740 MW solar farm with associated battery storage, that will primarily be located in Nottinghamshire near the border of Lincolnshire and is being co-developed with PS Renewables. Once operational, the 740 MW solar farm will generate enough clean, … Continue reading Ørsted enters its first UK solar project

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G20 Leaders Endorse IRENA Recommendations for Global Renewable Energy Adoption

G20 leaders agreed to accelerate efforts to triple global renewable energy capacity by 2030, aligning with recommendations from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) on how the world can move in line with the Paris Agreement targets. In a declaration adopted on Saturday, the Group cites a joint report between IRENA and India’s G20 Presidency, … Continue reading G20 Leaders Endorse IRENA Recommendations for Global Renewable Energy Adoption

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Enabling faster rollout of renewables can help Switzerland reach climate and energy goals

Switzerland’s low-emissions electricity system makes it well placed to meet its climate targets by 2030 and beyond, but cutting red tape to speed up deployment of renewables is essential as the country intends to move away from nuclear power, according to a new in-depth policy review by the IEA. Switzerland is demonstrating its commitment to … Continue reading Enabling faster rollout of renewables can help Switzerland reach climate and energy goals

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Ethiopia finishes filling reservoir of disputed mega-dam

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is set to double the country’s electricity generation and become Africa’s biggest dam. Egypt fiercely opposes the megaproject, arguing that it will reduce the flow of the Nile river.Ethiopia said on Sunday it had completed the fourth and final phase of filling a reservoir for its hydroelectric power plant on … Continue reading Ethiopia finishes filling reservoir of disputed mega-dam

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Cost of Concentrated solar power (CSP) projects fell from USD 0.38/kWh to USD 0.118/kWh – a decline of 69%

Concentrated solar power (CSP) saw its global weighted?average LCOE fall from 591% higher than the cheapest fossil fuel option in 2010 to 71% higher in 2022. Concentrated solar power (CSP) deployment remains disappointing, with less than 0.1 GW added in 2022 and global cumulative capacity standing at 6.5 GW at the end of 2022. For … Continue reading Cost of Concentrated solar power (CSP) projects fell from USD 0.38/kWh to USD 0.118/kWh – a decline of 69%

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Solar and wind energy are becoming cheaper

Renewable energy deployment surge puts global power system on track for the IEA’s ambitious net-zero pathway Two new pieces of research show that solar and wind are growing faster than expected: Rapid growth in solar, wind and battery deployment means that by 2030 the global electricity system can deliver ambitious net-zero pathways, according to new … Continue reading Solar and wind energy are becoming cheaper

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RWE welcomes success for onshore wind power and solar projects in latest UK CFD auction

RWE, the UK’s leading power producer, has been awarded Contracts for Difference for nine of its new renewable energy projects in the latest Auction Round 5. The CfD awards have been made to RWE by the Low Carbon Contracts Company, on behalf of the UK Government, following successful bids for three onshore, four solar and … Continue reading RWE welcomes success for onshore wind power and solar projects in latest UK CFD auction

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Concentrated Solar Power, photovoltaic and wind energy in August

In August 2023, prices in most European electricity markets increased, ranging between €90/MWh and €112/MWh. Higher gas prices, as well as lower solar energy production, contributed to these increases. On the other hand, Spain, Italy, France and Portugal registered all time records of photovoltaic and wind energy production for a month of August. Solar photovoltaic … Continue reading Concentrated Solar Power, photovoltaic and wind energy in August

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Renewable PPA: An opportunity for the electrointensive industry

According to AEGE, the situation of the electro-intensive industry in Spain is critical due to high energy costs. In addition to the energy policies needed to make this industry competitive at European and global level, PPAs with renewable energy projects are a good opportunity to achieve competitive energy prices in the long term, although they … Continue reading Renewable PPA: An opportunity for the electrointensive industry

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RayGen aim to making dispatchable solar a reality

An all-Australian hybrid solar energy and storage project promising cheap and dispatchable electricity is officially open for commercial-scale trials. Combining incredibly efficient photovoltaic (PV) and low-cost thermal energy technologies, the new power plant will test Melbourne-based company RayGen’s unique approach to solar electricity generation and long-duration storage. It’s the latest step, supported by ARENA, that … Continue reading RayGen aim to making dispatchable solar a reality

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U.S. solar industry expects to add a record 32 gigawatts

The U.S. solar industry expects to add a record 32 gigawatts (GW) of new capacity in 2023, a 52% increase from 2022, according to the US Solar Market Insight Q3 2023 report released today by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Wood Mackenzie. The solar market has been hampered in recent years by supply … Continue reading U.S. solar industry expects to add a record 32 gigawatts

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Solar power and agriculture going hand in hand:RWE to build demonstration plant for agrivoltaics

Solar power and agriculture in one field – RWE and Forschungszentrum Jülich want to demonstrate how this can work in a demonstration plant in the Rhenish mining district. Earlier today RWE officially launched the project in the presence of Frank Rock, Rhine-Erft County Commissioner, Sascha Solbach, Mayor of the City of Bedburg, and Prof Ulrich … Continue reading Solar power and agriculture going hand in hand:RWE to build demonstration plant for agrivoltaics

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China leads global shift to renewable energy with technological innovations in wind and solar power

China is leading global efforts in shifting to cleaner energy sources, thanks to numerous technological breakthroughs and robust development in its wind and photovoltaic power industries supported by strengthened innovation and resilient industrial chains. China’s self-developed 16-megawatt offshore wind turbine off the coast of southeast China’s Fujian Province. In the wind power sector, key technological … Continue reading China leads global shift to renewable energy with technological innovations in wind and solar power

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Wind energy contributed to lower prices on european electricity markets in the last week of august

European electricity markets prices fell in the last week of August, supported by increased wind energy production combined with lower electricity demand and average temperatures. Weekly average prices for TTF gas and CO2 fell by 3.7% and 2.2% respectively, while Brent futures reached a settlement price of $88.55/bbl on September 1, the highest since November … Continue reading Wind energy contributed to lower prices on european electricity markets in the last week of august

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No energy transition without expanded electricity grid

Europe needs to invest more in its electricity grids. It needs to accelerate the build-out of transmission and distribution networks, reinforce existing grids and increase their flexibility. “No transition without more transmission” – without these critical investments Europe cannot deliver its energy security and climate targets. In a new one-pager WindEurope lays out its recommendations … Continue reading No energy transition without expanded electricity grid

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Scaling up next generation solar and storage technologies in Victoria

On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced $10 million in funding to RayGen Resources Pty Ltd (RayGen) to progress its hi-tech solar and thermal storage technology along the commercialisation pathway towards a full utility scale deployment. The funding will help RayGen improve the design of its technology, achieve … Continue reading Scaling up next generation solar and storage technologies in Victoria

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