Category Archives: Other renewables

Biden-Harris Administration Releases First-Ever National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap to Build a Clean Energy Future

The Biden-Harris Administration today released the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap, a comprehensive framework for accelerating the production, processing, delivery, storage, and use of clean hydrogen—a versatile and flexible energy carrier that can be produced with low or zero carbon emissions. Achieving commercial-scale hydrogen deployment is a key component of President Biden’s Investing … Continue reading Biden-Harris Administration Releases First-Ever National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap to Build a Clean Energy Future

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European energy markets prices went down in the first week of June

In the first week of June, prices of most European electricity markets fell and some negative prices were registered, thanks to the decrease in demand and prices of gas and CO2, and to the increase of renewable energy production in some cases. However, prices rose in the Nord Pool and MIBEL markets, the latter being … Continue reading European energy markets prices went down in the first week of June

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675 million people without electricity, 2.3 billion people reliant on harmful cooking fuels

A new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the World Bank, and the World Health Organization (WHO), released today, finds that the world is not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 for energy by 2030. This year marks … Continue reading 675 million people without electricity, 2.3 billion people reliant on harmful cooking fuels

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Ørsted commits to reuse or recycle all solar panels

Ørsted is the world’s first energy developer to commit to reuse or recycle all solar panels from its global portfolio of solar farms with immediate effect. Solar energy is a key technology for the green energy transition and for limiting global warming. The deployment of this technology requires vast amounts of virgin materials. The mining … Continue reading Ørsted commits to reuse or recycle all solar panels

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The rise of China’s solar and power sector and its global dominance

China is rapidly advancing its decarbonization efforts, exceeding expectations and outpacing other countries in clean energy spending. The country’s solar power and electric vehicle sectors are experiencing significant growth, with China set to increase its solar capacity threefold and electric vehicle sales surpassing a third of all vehicle sales.China’s substantial investment in renewable energy has … Continue reading The rise of China’s solar and power sector and its global dominance

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Solar PV panels – an eco-disaster waiting to happen?

While they are being promoted around the world as a crucial weapon in reducing carbon emissions, solar panels only have a lifespan of up to 25 years. Experts say billions of panels will eventually all need to be disposed of and replaced. “The world has installed more than one terawatt of solar capacity. Ordinary solar … Continue reading Solar PV panels – an eco-disaster waiting to happen?

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Vast Advances Utility-Scale Concentrated Solar Power Plant as Worley Commences Engineering

Basic engineering of Vast’s 30MW VS1 Port Augusta Concentrated Solar Power Project to be completed by July with groundbreaking slated for 2024. Vast Solar Pty Ltd (Vast), a renewable energy company specialising in concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) energy systems that generate zero-carbon, utility-scale, dispatchable electricity and industrial process heat, today announced it has awarded … Continue reading Vast Advances Utility-Scale Concentrated Solar Power Plant as Worley Commences Engineering

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Heliostat Consortium Unveils Funding Awards to Facilitate Affordable and Accessible Heliostat Deployment

The Heliostat Consortium, led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories, has announced seven awardees from a request for proposals aimed at reducing the cost of heliostats and creating new market opportunities for the industry. Heliostats are mirrors that track the sun to reflect concentrated sunlight to a receiver, where it can … Continue reading Heliostat Consortium Unveils Funding Awards to Facilitate Affordable and Accessible Heliostat Deployment

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Statkraft AS successfully places EUR 500 million green bond

Statkraft has issued a EUR 500 million senior bond under its EMTN (Euro Medium Term Note) programme. The bond matures in June 2033 and pays a fixed coupon of 3.500%. The transaction was substantially oversubscribed. An equivalent amount to the net proceeds from the bond issue will be used to finance Eligible Projects as specified … Continue reading Statkraft AS successfully places EUR 500 million green bond

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The complex interplay of the energy transition

If one had to list just fifteen factors that will be key to achieving decarbonisation, they would be: wind energy, solar photovoltaic energy, renewable energy demand, green hydrogen, transmission and distribution grids, batteries, pumping, concentrated solar power energy, international interconnections, smart grids, appropriate regulation, biofuels, biomass, CO2 capture and storage, and self-consumption. Each of these … Continue reading The complex interplay of the energy transition

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Renewable energy production up and demand and prices down in May

The month of May, 2023, was characterised in the European markets by a continuation of the downward trend in electricity demand while wind energy production and photovoltaic energy production continue to grow. This situation, together with a downward trend in gas and CO2 emission rights prices, drove prices down in virtually all electricity markets. Solar … Continue reading Renewable energy production up and demand and prices down in May

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Cutting dependence on China’s renewables supply chain

The US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is widely regarded as a game-changer in the drive to net zero. As well as generous tax credits for investment in low-carbon technologies, the IRA outlined aggressive targets and incentives for domestically sourced raw materials and equipment. These promise to propel the US into the lead in the … Continue reading Cutting dependence on China’s renewables supply chain

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Renewable power on course to shatter more records as countries around the world speed up deployment

Global additions of renewable power capacity are expected to jump by a third this year as growing policy momentum, higher fossil fuel prices and energy security concerns drive strong deployment of solar PV and wind power, according to the latest update from the International Energy Agency. The growth is set to continue next year with … Continue reading Renewable power on course to shatter more records as countries around the world speed up deployment

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European Parliament mustn’t undermine climate or energy security

The EU is debating a revised electricity market design. The European Commission has proposed a targeted reform to end the investment uncertainty caused by uncoordinated Government interventions in electricity markets. The European Parliament and Member States should stick to this proposal. But lead MEP Nicolás González Casares has proposed unhelpful things on revenue caps: lowering … Continue reading European Parliament mustn’t undermine climate or energy security

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Negative prices continue to appear in the electricity markets while gas prices continue to fall and solar photovoltaic energy production sets new records

Gas and CO2 prices continued their downward trend in the fourth week of May, which led to a general downward trend in prices in European electricity markets and several negative hourly prices were registered, which reached -€400/MWh in Netherlands. The notable exception of the Iberian market, with a rise in prices, came from the fall … Continue reading Negative prices continue to appear in the electricity markets while gas prices continue to fall and solar photovoltaic energy production sets new records

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ACP Statement on Debt Ceiling Agreement

The American Clean Power Association (ACP) today released the following statement by CEO Jason Grumet following negotiations to secure a compromise deal on the debt ceiling. “ACP applauds President Joe Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy for prioritizing national interests over partisan politics and acting to secure a compromise on the debt ceiling that protects the … Continue reading ACP Statement on Debt Ceiling Agreement

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Boosting the Global Geothermal Market

Alongside the increasing demand for electricity being driven by economic growth, the global demand for sustainable heat is also increasing. This demand has led to a growing trend in the use of geothermal resources for heating and cooling applications where technically and economically feasible. Since 2000, the geothermal sector has grown at an average rate … Continue reading Boosting the Global Geothermal Market

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Spain does not take advantage of the full potential of wind and solar energy due to lack of storage

The Spanish electrical system wastes an important – and growing – part of its potential for electricity from renewable sources. It is a fact that worries experts. The system dispenses with windmills or solar plants, or orders their operation to stop because there is not enough demand to absorb that supply. Given the current low … Continue reading Spain does not take advantage of the full potential of wind and solar energy due to lack of storage

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China’s newly installed capacity of wind, photovoltaic power rises

China saw a steady increase in the newly installed capacity of clean energy in the first four months of 2023, as the country stepped up efforts to ensure sufficient energy supply and cut emissions. China’s newly installed capacity of wind and photovoltaic power reached 62.51 million kW from January to April, data from the National … Continue reading China’s newly installed capacity of wind, photovoltaic power rises

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Germany: Statkraft grows with green hydrogen, wind and solar power

Statkraft, Europe’s largest producer of renewable energy, is on a growth path. At this year’s E-world energy & water in Essen, the Norwegian energy company announced its expansion targets for the German market. Statkraft will be instrumental in increasing the share of renewable energy in Germany by 2030 and supporting the market ramp-up of green … Continue reading Germany: Statkraft grows with green hydrogen, wind and solar power

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