Category Archives: Other renewables

May begins with record values of solar photovoltaic energy production in Europe

In the first week of May, European electricity markets prices fell due to the drop in gas and CO2 prices. In addition, the demand decreased in most markets and wind and solar energy production increased in some cases, reaching record values for hourly solar photovoltaic energy production in almost all markets. Brent and TTF gas … Continue reading May begins with record values of solar photovoltaic energy production in Europe

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Halting climate change can also reduce business risk

Some say investing in new technology to decrease carbon emissions is risky business. Energy utility Vattenfall’s CEO doesn’t: “To me, striving for net zero equals reducing risk. To just continue business as usual is much more dangerous.” Already before 24 February last year the need for climate transition was obvious. After the Russian attack on … Continue reading Halting climate change can also reduce business risk

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Energy Storage Coalition launched – more flexibility to help decarbonise Europe

On 4 May 2023 the Energy Storage Coalition, a new organisation aimed at accelerating the decarbonisation of the European energy system by increasing the deployment of sustainable and clean energy storage solutions to support renewables, hosted its launch event. The event was attended by over 150 policymakers, industry and associations representatives. It provided an opportunity … Continue reading Energy Storage Coalition launched – more flexibility to help decarbonise Europe

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DNV forecasts oil demand in transport sector to half by 2050

Transport sector will be revolutionized by electrification but increase its share of overall emissions. Electricity is continuing to gain traction in previously thought to be hard-to-electrify sectors including heavy trucking and aviation. Electricity’s share in transport will grow from 1% today to 23% in 2050, according to DNV’s latest Transport in Transition report.      DNV’s … Continue reading DNV forecasts oil demand in transport sector to half by 2050

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Electricity demand in Spain in April among the lowest in the last 20 years

Electricity demand fell in April in all European markets. Excluding 2020 demand, which was affected by COVID measures, Spain and Italy registered their lowest values in 20 and 6 years, respectively. Falling demand and gas prices, as well as a solar energy production that was the highest for a month of April in several markets … Continue reading Electricity demand in Spain in April among the lowest in the last 20 years

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GE selected to deliver Pumped Storage technology for 200 MW Chira Soria project in Gran Canaria, Spain

GE announced today that it has been selected to deliver six power generating units for the 200 MW Chira Soria Pumped Storage Power Plant in Gran Canaria, Spain. The six Pumped Storage units of 37 MW each will help stabilize the grid in the island by acting act as giant batteries. GE announced today that … Continue reading GE selected to deliver Pumped Storage technology for 200 MW Chira Soria project in Gran Canaria, Spain

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A new 26.5% efficiency record for 3Sun’s tandem solar cell

A solar cell created by the specialists at our “Factory of the Sun,” together with France’s INES, has set a new record with an efficiency level of 26.5%. This is thanks to innovative Tandem technology, with which we are aiming for even more ambitious goals. A new efficiency record has been set by the Tandem … Continue reading A new 26.5% efficiency record for 3Sun’s tandem solar cell

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EDP Renewables’ EBITDA increases 14% in the first quarter of the year

EDP Renewables is moving forward with its 2023-2026 Business Plan to lead the energy transition through an acceleration of investment and sustainable growth. In the first quarter of 2023, EDPR’s gross investment amounted to €1 billion, with more than 80% of its Capex invested in Europe and North America, reflecting EDPR’s growth with 1.7 GW … Continue reading EDP Renewables’ EBITDA increases 14% in the first quarter of the year

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John Podesta, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Gov. John Bel Edwards and Magic Johnson Announced for CLEANPOWER 2023

The American Clean Power Association today announced keynote speakers for CLEANPOWER 2023, the nation’s premier renewable energy conference. CLEANPOWER brings together the industry’s thought leaders and key influencers to discuss and showcase the most important issues facing the industry and the country today. With the theme of “Leading the Charge,” this year’s conference will take … Continue reading John Podesta, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Gov. John Bel Edwards and Magic Johnson Announced for CLEANPOWER 2023

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ACP Names Sarah Beerbower as Vice President of Member Relations

The American Clean Power Association (ACP) today announced the addition of Sarah Beerbower as Vice President of Member Relations, leading member engagement, value, and growth for the nation’s largest clean energy trade association.  Beerbower joins ACP from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce where she was the Senior Vice President of Corporate Relations, responsible for expanding … Continue reading ACP Names Sarah Beerbower as Vice President of Member Relations

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China’s renewable energy capacity soars in Q1

China’s installed renewable energy capacity saw robust growth in the first quarter amid the country’s pursuit of green transition, according to the National Energy Administration (NEA). China saw its newly installed capacity of renewable energy surge 86.5 percent year on year to 47.4 million kilowatts in the first quarter, accounting for 80.3 percent of the … Continue reading China’s renewable energy capacity soars in Q1

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RWE successful in Australian tender with long duration battery storage project

RWE Renewables Europe & Australia, a leading player in renewables globally, has been successful in the New South Wales competitive tender process offering Long-Term Energy Service Agreements to project developers of long duration storage projects. RWE’s Limondale battery energy storage system with a planned installed capacity of 50 megawatts (MW) and 400 megawatt hours (MWh) has been … Continue reading RWE successful in Australian tender with long duration battery storage project

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GE Renewable Energy awarded contract by PGE Energia Odnawianla S.A. to modernize pumped hydropower storage plant in Poland

GE Renewable Energy has signed a contract with PGE Odnawialna S.A. to replace the four 125 MW pumped turbines and generators of the Porabka Zar pumped hydro storage plant in Poland. This rehabilitation contract aims at extending the lifetime of the hydropower plant for several decades by completely replacing the +40-year-old turbines with new, reliable … Continue reading GE Renewable Energy awarded contract by PGE Energia Odnawianla S.A. to modernize pumped hydropower storage plant in Poland

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RWE with strong results in the first quarter of 2023

RWE expects to close the first quarter of 2023 with an adjusted EBITDA of €2.8 billion at Group level and adjusted EBITDA of €2.3 billion in the core business according to preliminary figures. The result for the first three months is thus significantly higher year-on-year. Adjusted net income is expected to reach €1.7 billion. The increase in earnings … Continue reading RWE with strong results in the first quarter of 2023

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Batteries and green hydrogen: the necessary complements to photovoltaic energy

The time for batteries has come. Their role in managing renewable energies to avoid curtailments and price cannibalisation is already beginning to look necessary. The situation is becoming urgent and both support and regulation must be accelerated to make possible large-scale deployment of batteries and green hydrogen. Energy storage systems have been making headlines in … Continue reading Batteries and green hydrogen: the necessary complements to photovoltaic energy

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ACP Statement on House Passing Auxin CRA

Following the House of Representatives’ passage of H. J. Res. 39, which uses the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to impose retroactive solar tariffs, American Clean Power Association (ACP) CEO Jason Grumet issued the following statement:  “The United States must reclaim its position as the global technology leader in the solar power supply chain. In recent … Continue reading ACP Statement on House Passing Auxin CRA

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Greece must build on its successes in reducing fossil fuel dependence

Greece has enacted an impressive array of measures to support its ambitious climate goals while maintaining energy security. However, stronger actions are required to bring down its dependence on fossil fuels and reach its target of net zero emissions by 2050, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency. The report praises Greece … Continue reading Greece must build on its successes in reducing fossil fuel dependence

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New Zealand can use its clean electricity strengths to decarbonise its energy system

New Zealand can leverage its vast renewable energy resources to cut emissions across its economy and meet national climate goals while maintaining energy security, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency. Since the IEA’s last review in 2017, New Zealand has set more ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including bringing them down by … Continue reading New Zealand can use its clean electricity strengths to decarbonise its energy system

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Iberdrola commissions the largest photovoltaic plant in Oregon

AVANGRID (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company and member of the Iberdrola Group, announced today that it has achieved commercial operation at its 162 MWac (205 MWdc) Pachwáywit Fields solar farm (also known as Montague Solar) in Gilliam County, Oregon, becoming the state’s largest photovoltaic plant. The facility will deliver clean, renewable energy to … Continue reading Iberdrola commissions the largest photovoltaic plant in Oregon

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ACP Statement on House Passage of Debt Limit Bill

In response the U.S. House of Representatives’ 217-215 vote repealing key clean energy incentives as part of a debt limit package, American Clean Power Association (ACP) CEO Jason Grumet issued the following statement: “No American industry enjoys being used as a pawn in partisan political negotiations. The American Clean Power Association is nevertheless confident that … Continue reading ACP Statement on House Passage of Debt Limit Bill

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