Category Archives: OpEd

Climate Model funded by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation shows how we can solve the Global Climate Crisis

Two-year scientific collaboration with the University of Technology Sydney, German Aerospace Center and University of Melbourne produces unique regional pathways to stay below a 1.5°C temperature rise by transitioning to 100% renewable energy and implementing natural climate solutions. As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report warned in October 2018, the planet must … Continue reading Climate Model funded by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation shows how we can solve the Global Climate Crisis

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Wind Energy Developers Leaving Field Of Social Media To NIMBYs

If you’ve spent any time on Facebook, Twitter, or for that matter in comment sections, you’ve probably seen them. The people who virulently hate wind energy. The irrational ones who ignore the clear science that shows that it’s perfectly healthy, that windows and cats kill orders of magnitude more birds, and who refuse to accept … Continue reading Wind Energy Developers Leaving Field Of Social Media To NIMBYs

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RODA and Ørsted Partner to Address Fisheries and Offshore Wind Turbines Coexistence

The Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA) today announced that it has entered into a partnership agreement with ˜rsted U.S. Offshore Wind to improve communications between the commercial fishing industry and offshore wind energy developers. This first-of-its-kind partnership will create an unprecedented opportunity for commercial fishermen to provide direct input to the wind energy industry on … Continue reading RODA and Ørsted Partner to Address Fisheries and Offshore Wind Turbines Coexistence

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Taiwan has a unique opportunity to be a leader in offshore wind energy and benefit from the investment boom in competitive wind power technology

The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) has called on the government of Taiwan to rethink proposed changes to the Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) for offshore wind projects to avoid the costly lessons made by other markets that pursued a similar approach. However, it must avoid the proposed move to alter Feed-in-Tariffs (FiT) in order to protect planned … Continue reading Taiwan has a unique opportunity to be a leader in offshore wind energy and benefit from the investment boom in competitive wind power technology

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How are utilities changing their electric generating mixes?

As the old saying goes, there’s nothing permanent except change. This certainly holds true for the U.S. energy landscape. It is constantly evolving and renewable energy cost declines, technology advancements, and impending power plant retirements are driving the transition. How can we stay up-to-date on these changes? And more importantly, what role will wind energy … Continue reading How are utilities changing their electric generating mixes?

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New York 9 GW offshore wind power target

The American Wind Energy Association issued the following statement reacting to New York Governor Cuomo’s announcement, which more than triples the state’s offshore wind development target from 2.4 GW by 2030 to 9 GW by 2035. “By more than tripling New York’s already impressive offshore wind goal, Governor Cuomo has redefined offshore wind ambition nationwide,” … Continue reading New York 9 GW offshore wind power target

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Restrictions on steel imports could jeopardise the EU’s 2030 renewables target

EU countries will discuss a proposal from the European Commission on protective measures on steel imports to the EU. The EU will then vote on the measures, which aim to restrict steel imports from third countries to the EU until July 2021, on Friday. Steel import restrictions to the EU come as a response to … Continue reading Restrictions on steel imports could jeopardise the EU’s 2030 renewables target

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Six trends shaping the future of wind energy

2018 may be in the rearview mirror, but let’s take a moment to reflect on another year of incredible progress for American wind power. Wind energy made huge strides across the U.S., from the shores of Massachusetts all the way out to California and dozens of places in between. And that’s good news for families … Continue reading Six trends shaping the future of wind energy

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Wind energy: Vestas becomes the first company to install 100 GW of wind turbines

Vestas has been a pioneer in wind energy solutions and a cornerstone in making the world’s energy mix sustainable. In late 2018, a new milestone was reached in that 40-year journey, as Vestas achieved 100 GW of installed wind turbines with the installation of a V110-2.0 MW wind turbine at MidAmerican Energy’s Wind XI wind … Continue reading Wind energy: Vestas becomes the first company to install 100 GW of wind turbines

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Compromise on electricity markets wraps up Clean Energy Package

EU negotiators reached an overnight compromise deal on the last remaining part of the Clean Energy Package, electricity market design. Negotiators from the European Parliament and the Council agreed that priority dispatch for existing renewables will continue to apply. For new renewables, in its place come fair and transparent rules on curtailment, including giving compensation … Continue reading Compromise on electricity markets wraps up Clean Energy Package

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Mercedes-Benz deal to buy wind power is first PPA in Germany

Mercedes-Benz will buy wind energy for its German operations through a corporate renewable Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) signed with Norwegian utility Statkraft.   This marks the first corporate renewable PPA deal signed in Germany. Mercedes-Benz will buy 46 MW worth of wind power from six wind farms in Lower Saxony and Bremen. The wind power … Continue reading Mercedes-Benz deal to buy wind power is first PPA in Germany

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WindEurope presses economic case for wind energy in EU-Uzbekistan energy cooperation

On 14 December WindEurope took part in the EU-Republic of Uzbekistan energy cooperation meeting in Tashkent. As part of a European Commission delegation to Uzbekistan, WindEurope took part in a meeting hosted by Megan Richards, Director at DG Energy, and Deputy Economy Minister Niyozmatov Bahromzhon. With 85% of the country’s power coming from gas, Uzbekistan … Continue reading WindEurope presses economic case for wind energy in EU-Uzbekistan energy cooperation

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Lower prices for onshore wind energy in second Greek renewables auction

Onshore wind power won almost 160 MW of capacity in Greece’s second renewables auction. The prices were competitive, coming in within a range of €55–65/MWh.   This price level is lower than in Greece’s first onshore wind auction in July 2018, where onshore wind power prices were between €68-72/MWh. Nine wind projects in total won. All … Continue reading Lower prices for onshore wind energy in second Greek renewables auction

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Record-smashing auction dramatically expands Massachusetts’ offshore wind energy potential

Equinor, Mayflower Wind Energy, and Vineyard Wind placed winning bids totaling $405 million to begin planning wind farms. A highly-competitive auction for three offshore wind lease areas off the coast of Massachusetts concluded today with winning bids totaling a record-breaking $405 million dollars from Equinor; Mayflower Wind Energy, a Royal Dutch Shell and EDP Renewables … Continue reading Record-smashing auction dramatically expands Massachusetts’ offshore wind energy potential

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European Commission: wind energy on course to be the cornerstone of Europe’s energy mix

Commission’s recent decarbonisation strategy puts wind power centre stage in Europe’s future, echoing several major publications by energy analysts.   There is now a widespread consensus: wind energy is to become the largest source of power generation in Europe. The 173 GW of installed wind energy in the EU now satisfies 12% of the total … Continue reading European Commission: wind energy on course to be the cornerstone of Europe’s energy mix

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R&I investment and collaboration ‘key to boosting EU leadership in renewables’

High level political negotiations are ongoing at COP24 in Katowice, with countries struggling to reach agreement on the key elements of the Paris Agreement. In particular, the debate now centres on questions about the operational framework (the so-called ‘rulebook’) and level of ambition to be deployed by EU Member States in the effort to combat … Continue reading R&I investment and collaboration ‘key to boosting EU leadership in renewables’

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New Life for Wind Turbines with Innovation and the Circular Economy

Wind turbines, the circular economy and recycling are at the heart of Enel Green Power’s new Challenge, open to start-ups, companies and individual innovators. How can we reuse the enormous blades of wind generators? Over to you! The average operating life of a wind turbine is about twenty years. After that, its efficiency decreases and … Continue reading New Life for Wind Turbines with Innovation and the Circular Economy

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Iraq is expected to have an installed capacity of five gigawatts of solar energy and one gigawatt of wind energy

Iraq is seeking to diversify its energy dependency by building large-scale solar, wind and biomass facilities within the next decade, expecting to supply more than 10 per cent of its energy needs by 2028 from sustainable resources, according to Frost & Sullivan’s energy analysis.   The country suffers from heavy electricity shortage due to insufficient … Continue reading Iraq is expected to have an installed capacity of five gigawatts of solar energy and one gigawatt of wind energy

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Stedin and GE Power Mobilize New Technology to Manage Increasing Renewable Generation in the Netherlands

GE (NYSE: GE) and Stedin, one of the leading distribution network operators (DNOs) in the Netherlands, went live with the first European implementation of Transmission Forecast (T-Forecast) software from GE’s Grid Solutions. Part of the Digital Energy portfolio, this new solution forecasts power flow across transmission and distribution and is built to help manage increasing … Continue reading Stedin and GE Power Mobilize New Technology to Manage Increasing Renewable Generation in the Netherlands

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AWEA supports a level playing field for energy storage technologies

Making stand-alone energy storage systems eligible for a federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) would create jobs and help modernize the U.S. electricity grid, according to over 150 companies and industry groups representing storage, wind, solar, hydro, manufacturing and other sectors. Today, these businesses issued a letter to Congressional leadership in support of The Energy Storage … Continue reading AWEA supports a level playing field for energy storage technologies

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