Category Archives: Other renewables

Galán confirms Iberdrola’s commitment to the UK at the International Investment Summit with Starmer

Iberdrola is consolidating its position as one of the major companies in the United Kingdom, and its Executive Chairman Ignacio Galán, in the context of the new British government’s first international investment summit, met with the country’s Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, and other members of the Government to present the electricity company’s new roadmap in the … Continue reading Galán confirms Iberdrola’s commitment to the UK at the International Investment Summit with Starmer

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Ecuador needs to boost photovoltaic and wind power to reduce dependence on hydroelectric energy

Renewable energies, such as solar photovoltaic, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass, lead the energy transformation worldwide. The main objective is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate environmental impact. Diversification is key. According to data from the National Electricity Operator (Cenace), 72% of Ecuador’s energy depends on water. This dependence has led to the … Continue reading Ecuador needs to boost photovoltaic and wind power to reduce dependence on hydroelectric energy

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Tracking progress toward tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling energy efficiency by 2030

A key aspect of the text of the Outcome of the First Global Stocktake was the explicit recognition of the role of renewable energy in rapidly and drastically reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to align the world with a 1.5°C-compatible pathway. To this end, the text called on all Parties to the Convention to contribute … Continue reading Tracking progress toward tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling energy efficiency by 2030

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Massive global growth of renewables to 2030 is set to match entire power capacity of major economies today, moving world closer to tripling goal

With photovoltaic solar leading their rapid deployment, renewables are on course to meet almost half of global electricity demand by the end of this decade, new IEA report says Due to supportive policies and favourable economics, the world’s renewable power capacity is expected to surge over the rest of this decade, with global additions on … Continue reading Massive global growth of renewables to 2030 is set to match entire power capacity of major economies today, moving world closer to tripling goal

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Energy storage, essential for photovoltaics and wind power, is a solved problem

There are thousands of extraordinarily good pumped hydro storage sites around the world with an extraordinarily low investment cost. When combined with batteries, the resulting hybrid system has large energy storage, low cost for both energy and power, and fast response. Storage is a solved problem. In 2023, twice as much solar generation capacity was … Continue reading Energy storage, essential for photovoltaics and wind power, is a solved problem

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Photovoltaic and wind energy in the first week of October

In the first week of October, TTF gas futures prices for the Front?Month rose, reaching the highest settlement price since early December, above €40/MWh, on Friday, October 4. Rising gas prices, together with declining renewable energy production and rising demand in most markets, boosted prices in most European electricity markets. Photovoltaic energy reached production records … Continue reading Photovoltaic and wind energy in the first week of October

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Brazil’s electricity supply to 2024 is expected to increase by 7.8 GW between photovoltaic and wind energy

In September, the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) recorded an increase of 711.33 megawatts (MW) in the country’s installed electricity generation capacity, an advance that contributed to a growth of 7.8 gigawatts (GW) in the electricity matrix throughout 2024. From January to September, 219 plants came into operation, of which approximately 90% are wind and … Continue reading Brazil’s electricity supply to 2024 is expected to increase by 7.8 GW between photovoltaic and wind energy

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Spain approves 2.56 GW for 32 photovoltaic and hybrid wind and battery projects (BESS) in September

The Official State Gazette contains announcements for the month of September of 32 photovoltaic and hybrid wind and battery projects (BESS).Application for the declaration of public utility of the Maira Beta Group Photovoltaic Plant of 140.127 MW and its evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of La Vid de Bureba, Berzosa de Bureba, Vileña, Grisaleña, … Continue reading Spain approves 2.56 GW for 32 photovoltaic and hybrid wind and battery projects (BESS) in September

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Spain authorised 10,060.8 MW of photovoltaic (PV) and 2,237.1 MW of wind energy in the third quarter

A total of 263 renewable energy projects, with an aggregate capacity of 12,299.5 MW, have obtained administrative authorisation throughout the third quarter of the year. This is stated in a report by the Foro Sella Renewable Energy Observatory, prepared by Opina 360, which for the first time collects data from both the Official State Gazette … Continue reading Spain authorised 10,060.8 MW of photovoltaic (PV) and 2,237.1 MW of wind energy in the third quarter

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Impact of hybridisation of renewable energy and batteries on the energy transition and PPA

Hybridisation of batteries and renewable energy not only improves the technical efficiency of projects but also provides significant advantages in the PPA field, both for producers and buyers. With this growing trend, the future of energy storage and management is shaping up to be one of the most strategic pillars for decarbonising the European energy … Continue reading Impact of hybridisation of renewable energy and batteries on the energy transition and PPA

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Wind energy (21.1%) and photovoltaic (19.5%) dominate electricity generation in September in Spain

During this month of September, renewables have generated 33% more than in the same period of the previous year and have accounted for 53% of the monthly mix. National electricity demand experienced an increase of 3.1% in September compared to the same month of the previous year, once the effects of temperature and working hours … Continue reading Wind energy (21.1%) and photovoltaic (19.5%) dominate electricity generation in September in Spain

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European wind energy production reached records for September

In the last week of September, wind energy production increased in the main European markets and registered historical daily production records for September in several markets. This favored the decline in electricity market prices, even though gas and CO2 prices increased during the week. Solar photovoltaic energy production declined in most markets with the arrival … Continue reading European wind energy production reached records for September

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Price cannibalisation triggers the signing of electricity contracts that combine wind power and solar photovoltaic

In Spain, long-term power purchase agreements, known as PPAs, have been signed that hybridise both technologies for a total of 1.3 GW in the first half of the year. Offshore wind power also promises a new era. Spain is one of the countries with the lowest electricity prices in Europe during solar photovoltaic generation hours. … Continue reading Price cannibalisation triggers the signing of electricity contracts that combine wind power and solar photovoltaic

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Acciona Energía completes 19.7 MWp photovoltaic generation installation with wind energy in Cuenca

Located in the municipalities of Villalba del Rey and Tinajas (Cuenca), the new 19.7 MWp photovoltaic facility joins an existing 26 MWp wind farm. ACCIONA Energía has completed its second hybrid renewable generation facility with the construction of a 19.7MWp photovoltaic plant on the site of the existing Peralejo wind farm (26MW), in the municipalities … Continue reading Acciona Energía completes 19.7 MWp photovoltaic generation installation with wind energy in Cuenca

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Spain approves 650 MW for 11 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects, including 39.6 BESS from Naturgy

The Official State Gazette contains announcements corresponding to the last week of September of 11 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects with wind energy and batteries (BESS).Prior administrative authorisation of the construction modifications, and the declaration of public utility, for the Mudarra 1 photovoltaic installation of 52.525 MW and its evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of … Continue reading Spain approves 650 MW for 11 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects, including 39.6 BESS from Naturgy

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The Future of European Electricity Markets: Batteries, Hybridisation and Profitability

European electricity markets are facing an unprecedented energy revolution, driven by the rise of renewable energies. Batteries and hybridisation of technologies are emerging as key players in this transformation process, not only optimising the integration of clean energy but also mitigating price volatility and increasing the profitability of investments. Falling battery prices and the advance … Continue reading The Future of European Electricity Markets: Batteries, Hybridisation and Profitability

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Photovoltaic and wind energy in the third week of September

In the third week of September, prices in most major European electricity markets were higher than the previous week. The decline in solar and wind energy production in most markets favored this trend. Despite the weekly decline, wind energy production reached levels not seen in several months in Spain, Portugal and France on the 17th. … Continue reading Photovoltaic and wind energy in the third week of September

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The revolution of renewable energy in China

In recent years, China has emerged as a global leader in renewable energy, setting determined goals and accomplishing extraordinary milestones. As the world grapples with the urgent need to shift towards sustainable energy sources, China’s efforts in renewable energy serve as a model for other nations. China set a target of decarbonization and to become … Continue reading The revolution of renewable energy in China

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Record Growth Drives Cost Advantage of Renewable Power

81% of renewable additions in 2023 were cheaper than fossil fuel alternatives, offering countries a compelling business and investment case to triple renewables by 2030. In 2023, the global weighted average levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) from newly commissioned utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV), onshore wind energy, offshore wind and hydropower fell. Between 2022 and 2023, … Continue reading Record Growth Drives Cost Advantage of Renewable Power

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The Council of Ministers approves Spain’s National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan

The new PNIEC estimates that by 2030 there will be 62 gigawatts (GW) of wind power installed, with 3 GW corresponding to offshore wind power – compared to 50 GW in the previous PNIEC – as well as a huge deployment of solar photovoltaic up to 76 GW (including 19 GW of self-consumption), 4.8 GW … Continue reading The Council of Ministers approves Spain’s National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan

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