Siemens crea una nueva unidad de negocio para abordar el mercado del coche eléctrico. Prevé facturar ?6.000 millones en 2014 en estos campos a nivel mundial.
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Siemens anima a invertir en la infraestructura necesaria para extender el vehículo eléctrico
El consejero delegado de Siemens en España y Suroeste de Europa, Francisco Belil, animó a invertir en el desarrollo de una red eléctrica inteligente que permita el despliegue del coche eléctrico.
Continue readingGallardón augura que una mayoría de coches eléctricos en 10 años
“Todo esto parece un relato futurista y lejano, pero no es así: tenemos la tecnología y la voluntad de la sociedad, y antes de diez años serán una minoría absoluta los vehículos no eléctricos”, pronosticó Gallardón.
Continue readingVehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology takes national stage
The University of Delaware’s vehicle-to-grid technology drove onto the world’s stage at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) on Friday, Feb. 19, in San Diego.
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IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) announced a new relationship to create a new era of smarter buildings.
Continue readingSmart electricity needed to achieve the full potential of renewable energies
Transmission planners should take a smarter approach to integrating ‘variable’ power sources such as wind power, solar energy, hydro and wave, which do not generate consistent levels of power.
Continue readingVehicle-to-grid (V2G): Electric cars on a two-way street?
The electric car?s potential to store electricity from the wind energy or solar power, or even feed electricity back into the grid, earning money for the owner.
Continue readingSmarter Grids, Appliances, and Consumers By Lester R. Brown
The new grid would link regions rich in wind energy, solar, and geothermal energy with consumption centers. A national grid, drawing on a full range of renewable energy sources, would itself be a stabilizing factor
Continue readingBuilding a National Clean-Energy Smart Grid By Bracken Hendricks
The Center for American Progress published a report on the urgent need to build a national clean-energy smart grid to power an innovative, low-carbon economy that combats global warming and creates millions of good jobs.
Continue readingEnel and Endesa create ?METERS AND MORE?
Working synergically together with Enel to bring the most from these advanced technologies, Endesa will begin a first controlled replacement of its electro-mechanical meters with the new smart meters in 2010.
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La organización internacional sin ánimo de lucro METERS AND MORE se ocupará de gestionar la tecnología de comunicación y el protocolo de nueva generación del mismo nombre.
Continue readingInvestigadores estudian vehículos eléctricos que vendan la energía no usada a la red
Un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Michigan, en Estados Unidos, está estudiando la posibilidad de convertir los vehículos eléctricos en unidades de almacenamiento que venderían la electricidad a la red.
Continue readingHow smart grids will help reduce emissions
A study by the PNNL estimates that the adoption of smart grids will bring about a 12% reduction of CO2 emissions from power generation and consumption.
Continue readingKorea’s commitment towards Smart Grids
The $24 billion investment planned over 20 years to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase renewable generation will be recovered from resulting improved efficiency.
Continue readingThe Future of Electrical Energy Storage
Aarkstore announce a new report”The Future of Electrical Energy Storage: The economics and potential of new technologies”through its vast collection of market reserach report.
Continue readingSpanish power system is capable of supporting 10 million electric vehicles
Iberdrola?s Chairman considers electric vehicles will help to meet the European Commission?s 20-20-20 targets.
Continue readingElectrovaya Partners on $7.5 Million Utility Energy Storage Demonstration
Electrovaya Inc. (TSX: EFL) today announced that it is the energy storage partner for a utility demonstration project led by CEATI International Inc., headquartered in Montreal.
Continue readingMontana Gov. Brian Schweitzer Talks About His Plans for Wind Power
Coal and oil for electricity generation is supported by existing infrastructure, while clean energy sources like wind energy and solar aren’t.
Continue readingGE Smart Grid Technologies Build Sustainable 21st Century Cities
Technology available today can be employed to create viable, sustainable, smart cities. That will be the message that Bob Gilligan, vice president?transmission and distribution for GE Energy Services.
Continue readingUSA And Australia Leading The World In Smart Grid Development
The communications revolution is shifting the national and global focus towards e-health, e-education and smart grids.
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