Category Archives: offshore

Learn about Floating Wind Energy and Tenders

Don’t miss out on two of the most exciting sessions at the Offshore Wind Energy 2017 conference in June. The offshore wind industry is transforming itself – floating technology and tenders are two of the motors driving this transformation. Learn everything you need to know at our expert panel sessions: Making floating wind energy commercially … Continue reading Learn about Floating Wind Energy and Tenders

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GE Adds Value to the US Wind Turbine Industry With its Repower Offering

GE Renewable Energy (NYSE: GE) today announced at the AWEA Windpower Conference that it has repowered 300 wind turbines, the equivalent of adding 75 wind turbines worth of output. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has estimated that the U.S. repowering market could grow to $25 billion by 2030. With the largest installed base in the … Continue reading GE Adds Value to the US Wind Turbine Industry With its Repower Offering

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Kongsberg Digital to provide a wind turbine independent data storage and data security solution

Fred. Olsen Renewables, Statoil and Kongsberg Digital have agreed to collaborate to verify the functionality provided by Kongsberg’s digital platform, Kognifai, at Lista Vindkraftverk Fred. Olsen Renewables (a wholly owned subsidiary of Bonheur ASA), Statoil and Kongsberg Digital have agreed to collaborate to verify the functionality provided by Kongsberg’s digital platform, Kognifai, at Lista Vindkraftverk. … Continue reading Kongsberg Digital to provide a wind turbine independent data storage and data security solution

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Innovative new product obliterates problem of bird droppings on wind farms

Seabird droppings or ‘guano’ is costing the global wind industry millions of pounds a year in delays and clean-up costs but a new product and service is set to eradicate the problem for good after a successful pilot showed ‘astonishing’ results. ‘Scaretech’ was trialled for three weeks on Dong Energy’s Race Bank wind farm off … Continue reading Innovative new product obliterates problem of bird droppings on wind farms

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UK switches on the world’s largest offshore wind turbines

The largest wind turbines in the world have recently started producing energy for the UK. Dong Energy, the Danish company behind the project, has recently switched on the 32 gigantic structures in Liverpool Bay. The wind turbines are taller than some skyscrapers at 640 feet and have 262-foot-long blades that can generate 8 megawatts of … Continue reading UK switches on the world’s largest offshore wind turbines

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US offshore wind farms to use Lloyd’s Register’s expertise in geophysical and hydrographic surveys

DONG Energy, a global leader in offshore wind has developed a significant portfolio of wind farms, with a total installed capacity of 3,000 MW offshore Germany, Denmark and the UK, has recently secured two leases in the United States – Bay State and Ocean Wind, off the coasts of Massachusetts and New Jersey respectively. If … Continue reading US offshore wind farms to use Lloyd’s Register’s expertise in geophysical and hydrographic surveys

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Xodus study concludes offshore wind energy technology could be viable off Guernsey

A preliminary feasibility study has concluded that offshore wind technology could be viable in several locations off Guernsey’s coast. The study was carried out by Xodus Group, an engineering consultancy with experience in the oil and gas, utilities and renewable industries, and funded jointly by the States of Guernsey and Guernsey Electricity. It concluded that … Continue reading Xodus study concludes offshore wind energy technology could be viable off Guernsey

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Vestas strengthens research and development capabilities in Portugal

Vestas opens engineering design centre in Porto, Portugal, to further strengthen its global research and development setup, underlining its industry-leading investments in research and development. The centre will be responsible for developing core technology for Vestas’ product portfolio. The centre is part of Vestas’ existing research and development (R&D) setup, which includes sites in the … Continue reading Vestas strengthens research and development capabilities in Portugal

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Pioneering Burbo Bank Extension offshore wind farm opens today

Burbo Bank Extension, a new offshore windfarm capable of meeting the electricity demand of well over 230,000 homes, will be officially opened at a ceremony in Liverpool today. The wind farm is a joint venture between DONG Energy (50%) and its partners PKA (25%) and KIRKBI A/S, parent company of the LEGO Group (25%). It … Continue reading Pioneering Burbo Bank Extension offshore wind farm opens today

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Taiwan to invest NT$684 billion to bolster wind energy to 4,200 MW by 2025

Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) unveiled further details and progress of the nation’s 8-year green energy development plan, one of the ambitious projects under the Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Plan to phase out nuclear plants by 2025, Tuesday.   To meet the Tsai Administration goal of achieving a nuclear-free homeland by 2025, the country will … Continue reading Taiwan to invest NT$684 billion to bolster wind energy to 4,200 MW by 2025

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DNV GL starts JIP to improve assessment of site condition data for offshore wind farms

A new recommended practice will provide industry guidance on optimal collection and assessment of site conditions which will lead to time, cost and risk reduction in offshore wind farm designing DNV GL invites industry partners to start a Joint Industry Project (JIP) for improving the collection and assessment of site conditions data for offshore wind … Continue reading DNV GL starts JIP to improve assessment of site condition data for offshore wind farms

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Maryland becomes an offshore wind power contender with OREC decision

Maryland’s Public Service Commission today awarded offshore wind renewable energy credits (ORECs) to the companies US Wind and Skipjack Offshore Energy, LLC to build wind projects totaling 368 megawatts (MW) of capacity miles off the state’s coast. Completing these projects will generate nearly 10,000 new direct and indirect jobs and $1.8 billion of in-state spending. … Continue reading Maryland becomes an offshore wind power contender with OREC decision

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Avangrid joins the offshore wind project, Vineyard Wind, off the coast of Massachusetts

Avangrid Renewables, subsidiary of Avangrid Inc. (a company of the Iberdrola Group), and Vineyard Wind have announced today a strategic partnership to develop a large-scale offshore wind power project. Vineyard Wind will be built off the coast of Massachusetts in the USA. Avangrid Renewables has acquired 50% of Vineyard Wind, the project’s promoter, from Copenhagen … Continue reading Avangrid joins the offshore wind project, Vineyard Wind, off the coast of Massachusetts

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Avangrid (Iberdrola) gets 50 percent stake in Atlantic wind farm project

A subsidiary of Avangrid has acquired an ownership stake in a company competing to develop wind farms off Martha’s Vineyard. Avangrid Renewables has purchased a 50 percent stake in Vineyard Wind, which is seeking to develop a wind farm in the Atlantic Ocean, about 15 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard. A Danish company, Copenhagen Infrastructure … Continue reading Avangrid (Iberdrola) gets 50 percent stake in Atlantic wind farm project

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European wind power investments rise to €43bn in 2016

WindEurope’s Financing and Investment Trends 2016 show Europe raised a total of €43bn last year for the construction of new wind farms, refinancing operations, project acquisitions and public market fundraising – up 22% from €35bn in 2015. New asset financing for wind power projects reached €27.6bn in 2016 with a record breaking €18.2bn in offshore … Continue reading European wind power investments rise to €43bn in 2016

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Gemini Offshore Wind Farm operational

The Gemini Offshore Wind Park was officially opened yesterday. Pieter van Oord, CEO of Van Oord, expressed his pride in Van Oord’s involvement in Gemini and thanked all of the shareholders for their support. The grand opening was held in Eemshaven, the Netherlands. Once the home of the project offices, Eemshaven is now the home … Continue reading Gemini Offshore Wind Farm operational

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Siemens Gamesa names Markus Tacke as new CEO

The Board of Directors of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, at a meeting held yesterday, unanimously appointed Markus Tacke as the company’s new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), following the recommendation of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee. The appointment takes effect immediately. Mr. Tacke succeeds Ignacio Martín, who in April announced to the Board his desire to … Continue reading Siemens Gamesa names Markus Tacke as new CEO

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Netherlands open largest offshore wind farm

Dutch officials on Monday opened what is being billed as one of the world’s largest offshore wind farms, with 150 wind turbines spinning in action far out in the North Sea. Over the next 15 years, the Gemini wind farm, which lies some 85 kilometres off the northern coast of The Netherlands, will meet the … Continue reading Netherlands open largest offshore wind farm

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Germany helps Vietnam expand wind energy

The project “Support to the Up-Scaling of Wind Power in Vietnam funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) was reviewed in a seminar in Hanoi on May 8. The project, part of the Climate and Technology Initiative of Germany, is being carried out at a cost of 6.9 million EUR from 2014-2018. According to General Director … Continue reading Germany helps Vietnam expand wind energy

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Senvion confirms notice to proceed for 203 megawatt Trianel Borkum II wind farm

Senvion, a leading global manufacturer of wind turbines, has announced that the contract for the Trianel Windpark Borkum II has been concluded and is now effective. The notice to proceed was confirmed at the end of April with Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum II GmbH & Co KG (TWB II). The conditional contract for the turbine delivery … Continue reading Senvion confirms notice to proceed for 203 megawatt Trianel Borkum II wind farm

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