Si aquí el desarrollo de las energías renovables y la eólica pisa algunos callos, en Estados Unidos la apuesta por las renovables de Obama debe tener al borde del ataque de nervios a un poderoso sector.
Continue readingCategory Archives: Wind Energy
Global Steel Industry Developing Vehicle Concept around Next Generation Electrics, Hybrids
Lighter, Stronger, Greener Steel Bodies to Help Automakers Increase Efficiency at Lower Cost.
Continue readingWind power in Philippines – Trans-Asia pursues wind farm project
TRANS-ASIA OIL AND ENERGY Development Corp. will proceed next month with the feasibility study for its 54-megawatt wind farm in Guimaras, the investments for which are expected to reach as much as $135 million.
Continue readingWind power in Japan – Installation work for the largest wind power units in Japan
Installation work for one of the largest wind power units in Japan, the Fukura wind power station.
Continue readingWind power in Canada – Canadian Wind Energy Association Annual Conference and Exhibition: Infinite Possibilites
The Canadian Wind Energy Association’s (CanWEA) Annual Conference and Exhibition – Infinite Possibilities – will be held in Toronto, September 20 – 23 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
Continue readingWind power in India – Oriental Green is in the process of acquiring wind farms having a capacity of 200 Mw
Oriental Green Power (OGP), a renewable energy generation company promoted by Chennai-based Shriram EPC, is in the process of acquiring wind farms having a capacity of 200 Mw.
Continue readingMálaga multiplica la potencia eólica instalada por cinco este año
Los 15 parques eólicos de la provincia de Málaga generan una potencia instalada de 266,3 megavatios, frente a los 52 de 2008.
Continue readingGlobal Wind Power Report 2009 Estimates the Market to Grow at a CAGR of 19.75% to Reach 425 GW by 2015
Wind energy is the world’s fastest-growing source of power generation with an average annual growth of 29% over the last ten years.
Continue readingIberdrola recibe 207 millones de euros de EE UU para energías renovables
Iberdrola Renovables ha recibido 294 millones de dólares (aproximadamente 207 millones de euros) en la primera ronda del Departamento del Tesoro de EE UU para apoyar la eólica y otras energías renovables.
Continue readingU.S. Wind Energy Industry Welcomes Treasury and Energy Department Grant Announcement
The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) welcomed today?s announcement from the U.S. Departments of the Treasury and Energy that the Administration has begun issuing renewable energy grants.
Continue readingEnergy Storage the ?holy grail? of renewable energy
Thermal ice storage at a building provides the ability to store energy when the wind is blowing at night and to then use the stored energy during the peak hours the following day.
Continue readingEólica en Cantabria – El PP regional sigue con su campaña antieólica
Curioso esta oposición en quienes con tanto ardor defienden la continuidad de la central nuclear de Garoña o deben tener presente el Prestige, y se alejan de las posiciones de una derecha moderna y razonable.
Continue readingLarge solar photovoltaic project starts in China
The 500-MW project is a joint venture of Greenway Solar-Tech (China) Co Ltd and Evergreen Solar Inc of the United States.
Continue readingDe enero a agosto del 2009 las energías renovables han producido el 26% del total de la electricidad
La producción eólica crece un 4,7%. La demanda de energía eléctrica peninsular fue de 21.306 GWh en el mes de agosto con un descenso del 1,08% respecto al mismo mes del año anterior.
Continue readingMinnesota and North Dakota approve Xcel Energy’s wind power plans
The North Dakota Public Service Commission certified the utility’s plan for a 150-megawatt project in Dickey and McIntosh counties. The Minnesota Public Utilities approved a 201-megawatt project in Nobles County.
Continue readingGeothermal Power Continues Strong Growth
A report by the Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) shows strong growth in new geothermal power projects continuing into 2009. There has been a 25% increase in new geothermal projects from August of 2008.
Continue readingLa eólica en Chile – La empresa canadiense Methanex instalará parque eólico
Tres aerogeneradores de 60 metros de altura cada uno entrarán en funcionamiento a mediados del próximo año con una capacidad de generación de 2,3 MW.
Continue readingUruguay licitará 300 megavatios de energia eólica
El saliente ministro de Industria Daniel Martinez informó que se realizarán dos licitaciones por 150 megavatios eólicos cada una.
Continue readingFiat y FAAM desarrollarán conjuntamente baterías de litio
El fabricante italiano de componentes para automóviles Magneti Marelli, del grupo Fiat, y la firma FAAM, han alcanzado un acuerdo para el desarrollo, fabricación y comercialización de baterías de litio.
Continue readingEólica en Cantabria – El Plan Eólico protege la Bahía de Santander
El Plan Eólico de Cantabria es un instrumento imprescindible para un nuevo modelo productivo que pondrá a la región en el camino de la tercera modernización.
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